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与 Volvo 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But his moment of glory came in August 1980 when, in his Volvo, he drove to Gdansk to deliver the Warsaw intellectuals' message of support to the striking workers at the Lenin shipyard.


China wants to build up China's own worldclass auto brands to compete with Volvo and other giants, just like Huawei and ZTE competing headon with Ericsson and Nokia on global markets.

nr 3 我有印象(1 57 1 23 3 2 3。。。),其它的曲目我以前基本没听过。但是,从郎朗微笑登上舞台的瞬间开始,我就被郎朗的投入所打动,也完全进入了音乐的殿堂。

The view from the peanut gallery of politicians, analysts and auto industry bloggers is that Geely Holding Group's $2 billion bid for Volvo has to navigate many potholes.


The Volvo Immobiliser serves as a starter block since the starter key communicate s with the engine′s starting circuit via security-coded electronic signals and random rolling codes.


The Volvo Immobiliser serves as a starter block since the starter key communicates with the engine′s starting circuit via security-coded electronic signals and random rolling codes.


The Volvo Immobiliser serves as a starter block since the starter key communicates with the engine′s starting circuit via security- code d electronic signals and random rolling code s.


We offer a wide range of accessories and options for personalising your Volvo truck, covering everything from safety equipment and practical features to comfort- enhancing touches.


We offer a wide range of accessories and options for personalising your Volvo truck, covering everything from safety equipment and practical feature s to comfort-enhancing touches.


We offer a wide range of accessories and option s for personalising your Volvo truck, covering everything from safety equipment and practical features to comfort-enhancing touches.


We offer a wide range of accessories and options for personalising your Volvo truck, covering everything from safety equipment and practical features to comfort-enhancing touch es.


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Volvo Driving Soccer Mom

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
