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与 Lebanese 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The symbolic climb of Mount Arafat is the climax of the annual Haj as 32-year-old Lebanese Muslim Mustapha Ghalayini, who performed the pilgrimage several years ago, explains.

32岁的黎巴嫩穆斯林Mustapha Ghalayini几年前参加了朝圣之旅,他解释说,象征性的攀爬Arafat山是朝圣之旅的高潮。

Philippe Ségalot, an art advisor, Jose Mugrabi, a dealer who owns some 800 Warhols, Abdallah Chatila, a Lebanese collector, and two other Sotheby's staff members, Loic Gouzer and Bruno Vinciguerra, together nodded and waved the lot all the way up to its $39m hammer price.


Philippe Ségalot, an art advisor, Jose Mugrabi, a dealer who owns some 800 Warhols, Abdallah Chatila, a Lebanese collector, and two other Sotheby's staff members, Loic Gouzer and Bruno Vinciguerra, together nodded and waved the lot all the way up to its $39m hammer price.

一位艺术顾问--Philippe Ségalot,一位拥有大约800幅沃霍尔作品的承销商--Jose Mugrabi,一位来自黎巴嫩的收藏家--Abdallah Chatila,以及索斯比拍卖行的两位工作人员--Loic Gouzer和Bruno Vinciguerra,或频频举牌,或点头示意,将价格抬升至三千九百万美元的原定落锤价。

Philippe Ségalot, an art advisor, Jose Mugrabi, a dealer who owns some 800 Warhols, Abdallah Chatila, a Lebanese collector, and two other Sotheby's staff members, Loic Gouzer and Bruno Vinciguerra, together nodded and waved the lot all the way up to its $39m hammer price.

艺术收藏顾问菲利普·瑟高乐(Philippe Ségalot)、收藏有800件沃霍尔作品的荷西·穆格拉比、黎巴嫩藏家阿布达拉·夏提拉,以及另外两名索斯比员工罗伊克·古泽和布鲁诺·文西桂拉,一直不停地在点头挥手,直到最终的3900万美金拍板成交。

Lebanese celebrate entering the Guinness Book of Records in Beirut October 24, 2009 after producing what they believe to be the biggest plate of hummus in the world.


Ol Ximenez Vargas," she begins, spinning a fascinating yarn of 1960 New York involving a Greek Orthodox priest particularly friendly with dancers, a Lebanese-Greek nightclub owner with a heavy accent, the long standing phonetic confusion between ballet and belly, and the need for a job --"to eat.

ol Ximenez Vargas 里的Flamenco 舞蹈员,&他开始叙述1960年纽约的迷人故事,有关一位与舞蹈员非常友好,又有着重口音的黎巴嫩-希腊夜总会老板,一位传统希腊教士,一份工作,该工作长期被人在&ballet芭蕾&和&belly肚皮&的发音上混淆不清,属于急需&填饱肚子类型。

Lebanese medics say the air attacks Friday killed at least 12 people and wounded 18 others.


Iran-Contra Affair: The Lebanese magazine Ash-Shiraa reports that the United States has been selling weapons to Iran in secret in order to secure the release of seven American hostages held by pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon.


The term of the last Lebanese president, pro-Syrian Emile Lahoud, expired last November.


Represented by Massimo Moretti, Massimo Seregni and Aldo Montinaro, the delegation will also visit the cities of Tiro and Jounieh to meet the highest sports authorities and administrative authorities, including Lebanese Football Association president Hachem Haidar, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sport Zeid Khiameh, Paralympic Federation official Sharif Wehbe, the majors of Beirut and Tiro, Italian Ambassador to Lebanon Dr Gabriele Checchia, and the contingent of Italian troops of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon.


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Lebanese Night

I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
