英语人>网络例句>June 相关的网络例句
与 June 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2008 28 SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES The Group Details of the movements in reserves of the Group during the years ended 30 June 2007 and 30 June 2008 are set out in the consolidated statement of changes in equity.

GOLDEN HARVEST ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED 186 Annual Report 2008 搜索公告牛即可看到网络上最快的个股公告财务报表附注截至二零零八年六月三十日止年度 28 股本及储备本集团本集团于截至二零零七年六月三十日及二零零八年六月三十日止年度之储备变动详情载述于综合权益变动报表内。

We dedicate all our crafts to June, for it is he who taught the People to bend the branches of trees to make our bows, and to fashion coverings of furs and ironbark.


June Leeloo is a Pa in ter and illustrator liv in g in Nantes, France.

June Leeloo是一个画家和插图画家,她生活在法国南特。

SPS Commerce will be showcasing its pre-wired, integrated analysis and integration services during the following sessions during the Open Systems' conferences:· Boost Revenues and Reduce Costs with Trading Partner Intelligence Monday, June 8, 2009, 3:00-4:00 p.m. MT · EDI and TRAVERSE: Alternatives for Cutting Costs in a Difficult Market Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 3:00-4:00 p.m. MT and Thursday, June 11, 2009, 8:00-9:00 a.m. MT "Today's buyers and merchandise managers are tasked with optimizing assortments and purchasing decisions to maximize sales, minimize inventory, and control out-of-stock conditions," stated David Novak, Executive Vice President of Business Development at SPS Commerce.

卫生和植物检疫措施委员会将展示其前有线,综合分析和集成服务在下列会议在开放系统的会议:·增加收入和降低成本的贸易伙伴情报星期一, 2009年6月8日,下午3:00-4:00吨· EDI和导线:替代削减成本在困难的市场星期二, 2009年6月9日,下午3:00-4:00吨,星期四, 2009年6月11日,上午8:00-9:00吨"今天的买家和商品管理人员的任务是优化品种和采购决策以最大限度地实现销售,减少库存,并控制脱销情况,说:"大卫诺瓦克,执行副总裁兼业务发展卫生和植物检疫措施委员会。

Article 121 As regards all leases of land granted or renewed where the original leases contain no right of renewal, during the period from 27 May 1985 to 30 June 1997, which extend beyond 30 June 1997 and expire not later than 30 June 2047, the lessee is not required to pay an additional premium as from 1 July 1997, but an annual rent equivalent to 3 per cent of the rateable value of the property at that date, adjusted in step with any changes in the rateable value thereafter, shall be charged.


June 22, 2007 — The immediate effects of two comprehensive antitobacco media campaigns confirm their importance in reducing smoking prevalence, according to a report in the June 22 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report .

June 22, 2007 —一项刊载於6月22日《发病率暨死亡率周报》上的报告指出,两项全面性反菸媒体运动的立即效应,肯定其能降低吸菸盛行率之重要性。

Every year, from the old calendar on the day Chuba Sin Hua Yansi You start a third Ti temple February, March Caofu a third temple, the temple Niangniang a March 18, April Chuba a temple grandmother, April 15 Luban a temple, the Temple will have a May 11, June Yulong have the six-temple, a Dragon King temple June 13, June 19 there is Guanyin temple, May 13, June 23 there will be Temple , June 23 there will be Huoshen Miao, July 15 there will be muong lan, August 27 there will be Ji Kong Temple, September Ninth Chongyang there will be high, and so on, the temple has more say.


June and Ruby played a duet on their lutes.


The laughter of children in June is as clear and melodious as sound of the silver bell.

六月 June 六月的孩子,笑声如银铃般清脆。

At half past seven pm on the June 20 Slovakia VS Paraguay Bloemfontein at 22 o'clock on the June 20 Italy VS New 西兰内尔斯普 Reiter at 10:00 pm on the June 24 Slovakia VS Italy Johannesburg at 22 o'clock on the June 24th VS Paraguay New Zealand Polo melon ...

6月20日19:30 斯洛伐克VS巴拉圭布隆方丹 6月20日22:00 意大利VS 新西兰内尔斯普雷特 6月24日22:00 斯洛伐克VS意大利约翰内斯堡 6月24日22:00 巴拉圭VS 新西兰波罗瓜。。。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Rainy Day In June
The Last Day Of June 1934
June Is Busting Out All Over
June 2nd
Living Under June
My Christmas Was In June
June On The West Coast
4 June 1989
My Wife June At The Sea Of Galilee
Middle Of June

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
