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Update 2: Jeremiah, being of an academic bent, felt inspired by my frippery here to write a much fuller and more considered piece on the fenqing phenomenon.

更新2:朋友 Jeremiah ,作为一名醉心学术的人,从我这里记录的琐事得到灵感,就愤青现象写了一篇更全面更经过考虑的文章。

Upon questioning Jeremiah, I am a little more unnerved than I was after seeing the Howler.


The scream downstairs was the result of an attack by a beast... something Jeremiah calls a Howler.


I recall one late night in a foxhole; Jeremiah showed me a picture of the youngest sister, Lizbeth.

我在夜间召回在散兵坑;显示我的Jeremiah最年轻的姐妹, Lizbeth的图片。

It was a Saturday, and 8-year-old Jeremiah Butler was heading outside with his 11-year-old sister, Tiara, and their 13-year-old cousin, Evon McDuffie.

这天是星期六,8岁Jeremiah Butler正在外面跟着她11岁的姐姐Tiara玩耍,还有他们13岁的表兄Evon McDuffie。

I have pored over the volumes of research and I am no closer to understanding what Jeremiah and the children may have conjured.


Jeremiah even told the exiles that God had arranged for them to be in exile.

Jeremiah 甚至告诉那些流放者,上帝已经在他们被流放的时候安排了他们的人生。

This band was started in 2003 as Finding Jeremiah in Stockton, CA (members: Jordan Shalm, Jordan Taulau, Dave Martinez, and Jake Palma).

乐队最初于2003年在加州的Stockton以Finding Jeremiah为名成立(成员:Jordan Shalm, Jordan Taulau, Dave Martinez和Jake Palma)。

His outcast of a brother, Ambrose, dropped from the rafters and took Jeremiah hostage.

他的兄弟, Ambrose的抛弃,下降从椽木和扣压了Jeremiah人质。

In the past few weeks he has had to cope not just with a fresh set of outpourings from his turbulent former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, now mercifully disowned, but also with Mrs Clinton throwing the kitchen sink—and a lot of sharp cutlery—at him.

在过去的几周中,他不仅克服了由其狂暴的前牧师Jeremiah Wright所导致的票源流失问题,现在这一问题已经幸运的解决了。同时他也接下了希拉里所丢出的所有烂招--其中有不少的确很尖锐。

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Roll Old Jeremiah
Jeremiah's Prayer
Jeremiah Weed
The Ballad Of Jeremiah Peacekeeper
Jeremiah Blues (Part 1)

But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?