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与 Howard 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the Chairman of the Committee Howard Berman said Ankara had to come to terms with its history.

但是该委员会主席Howard Berman表示,安卡拉应该接受自己的历史。

"This historic mission has been one of the highlights of our deployment," said Capt. Sam Howard, Bataan's commanding officer."We did all we could to make sure they had all the material and logistic support necessary to have a safe and successful fly-off."

巴丹舰指挥官Sam Howard上校称:"这次的历史性的任务将成为我们历史上的光荣的一刻,我们将尽我们所能保证安全、成功地完成所有必需的材料和后勤保障物资的运送。"

Under Richard Bevan and Howard Wilkinson , the association is putting forward a lot of carefully thought-out proposals that we believe could benefit football.

在首席执行官Richard Bevan和主席Howard Wilkinson的领导下,协会正在谨慎的推进很多措施。我们相信这有利于足球。

And the exemption mainly affects wealthy taxpayers, who are unsure of its benefit because of a constantly changing tax code, says Howard Simons of Bianco Research.

Bianco Research公司的Howard Simons 认为,免税主要影响的是富裕的纳税人,由于税法经常改变,他们无法确定收益。

What can we do to put this behind us, so five years from now, we'll say, 'That was boneheaded, but he learned from his mistakes, and what a great example of someone who can learn from mistakes, that's Josh Howard.

我们能做的是让它过去,五年后,我们会说:"那次他是笨蛋,但他吸取了教训,一个知错就改的好榜样,就是Josh Howard。"

He has also performed a great deal of work for charity and is often seen chaperon ing 11-year-old Kirsty Howard who suffers from a terminal heart defect.

他还积极参与许多慈善事业,有人还看到他经常陪护心脏病患者11岁的Kirsty Howard 。

In stark contrast to bankers' doom-laden predictions about the City's imminent demise, and defections of hedge funds amid relocations of some staff to Switzerland by prominent funds such as BlueCrest Capital and Brevan Howard, Toscafund is convinced the growth of the Bric nations Brazil, Russia, India and China can only work to London's advantage.

此前一些银行家悲观地预测称,伦敦金融城即将日落西山,对冲基金即将撤离,因为BlueCrest Capital 和 Brevan Howard等知名对冲基金要将一些员工转移到瑞士,而Tosca基金的态度与它们形成鲜明对比。Tosca确信,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国的增长只会对伦敦有利。

One is Howard Wolowitz, who claims himself the "Casanova" of California Techonology. He can speak six languages to hook up with girls and he also participates in the US Mars exploratory program. But in fact, Howard is just a guy who tends to date girls in an outdated fashion. Most of the time what he does is quite "disgusting". The other one is Rajesh Koothrappaili. He comes from India and has serious "selective mutism", which disables him from talking around women.

自认为是花花公子的Howard Wolowitz他称自己是加州理工学院的"卡萨诺瓦"(1725-1798,意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,后来该词被引申为"风流浪子,好色之徒",能用六种语言泡妞,参与负责美国的火星探索计划(喜欢邀请看上的女孩去火星兜风,也因此在第二季引发一场事故,遗憾地与"火星生命发现者"的称号失之交臂),其实Howard不过是个喜欢拿一些过时的手段把妹的家伙,很多时候他的把妹手法都让对方感到恶心。

Howard : I don't know. She just said, Howard, Mama's a rolling stone.

我不知道,她只是说 Howard 妈妈是见异思迁的人

After he began saying hello, I only had to say "Ah-Ah-Ah Mynah bird" to him a couple of times during a lesson. To this day, Howard still loves to say it and our little Holly girl has learned this phrase as well. And just like Howard, she also learned to say something that I said while hand feeding her.

后来它开始说&hello&,而我只跟它一遍遍地说&Ah-Ah-Ah Mynah bird&,后来Howard总是喜欢说这句,然后我们的小Holly公主也学会这句话,说的很棒,特象Howard,当我在我手上喂她的时候,她总能跟我学些新东西。

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Catherine Howard's Fate
Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
Oh Howard, You Crack Me Up
Slow Bus Movin' (Howard Beach Party)
Mind Of Howard Stern
Hello There Howard
Howard Hughes
Howard's Tale

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。