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High Court相关的网络例句

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与 High Court 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shimao Center has a high grade club—Celebrities Club, the Club has a restaurant, coffee house, conference room, indoor constant temperature swimming pool, gymnasium, children's education lessons, cardroom, SPA, table-tennis room, badminton court and British billiard table and so on.


Then the brutal minions of the law fell upon the hapless Toad; loaded him with chains, and dragged him from the Court House, shrieking, praying, protesting; across the marketplace, where the playful populace, always as severe upon detected crime as they are sympathetic and helpful when one is merely 'wanted,' assailed him with jeers, carrots, and popular catch-words; past hooting school children, their innocent faces lit up with the pleasure they ever derive from the sight of a gentleman in difficulties; across the hollow-sounding drawbridge, below the spiky portcullis, under the frowning archway of the grim old castle, whose ancient towers soared high overhead; past guardrooms full of grinning soldiery off duty, past sentries who coughed in a horrid, sarcastic way, because that is as much as a sentry on his post dare do to show his contempt and abhorrence of crime; up time-worn winding stairs, past men-at-arms in casquet and corselet of steel, darting threatening looks through their vizards; across courtyards, where mastiffs strained at their leash and pawed the air to get at him; past ancient warders, their halberds leant against the wall, dozing over a pasty and a flagon of brown ale; on and on, past the rack-chamber and the thumbscrew-room, past the turning that led to the private scaffold, till they reached the door of the grimmest dungeon that lay in the heart of the innermost keep.


Mr. Visschers, who held a high position in the Government of the King of the Belgians, stated that in his experience three men convicted of murder appealed to the Court of Cassation, when the conviction was confirmed. The King, however, commuted their sentence into one of perpetual imprisonment; but their innocence being afterwards established, they were liberated, and granted annuities for life.

在比利时王国担任高官的 Visschers 先生说到,在他的生涯中,有三个因为谋杀定罪的人上诉到上诉法院,并被维持原判,但是国王把他们减为终生监禁,后来,他们却被证明为无罪释放,并获得终生养老金的补偿。

In the US,high crime rate,lynching tradition in the south and having never been ruled by the Nazi are all reasons why the public opinion is in favor of death penalty,which exerts a deep influence on politicians.the US Supreme Court and district courts as well as the prosecution.In China,deteriorate social order,ceremonialist tradition,ancestral ideas and lack of the Enlightenment spirits make public opinion strongly support death penalty,which in turn has great impact on the party in power,the legislature,the judiciary and the prosecution.


And this is the earliest conception of a crimen or Crime —— an act involving such high issues that the State, instead of leaving its cognisance to the civil tribunal or the religious court, directed a special law or privilegium against the perpetrator.


This is one of those rare adidas shoes that has attained high collectibility as well as great to wear on the court.


The Middle English source of our word is first recorded as a surname in 28 (and the surname Marshal, now spelled Marshall, has been held by some famous people),but it is first recorded as a common noun with the sense .high officer of the royal court.


To train a group of high-quality judges with firm political position, professional conversance, good conduct and honesty is an important condition for the rule of law and the construction of a socialist country ruled by law and is also an important safeguard for the people's court to implement the Constitution and exercise judicial functions.


Said that high school students in fact, the National Moot Court has held, New York has held a number of high school, but in Chinese communities or held for the first time, and she hoped that parents and teachers actively encourage young people to participate.


Hole because of clouds which piled high and steep terrain, environmentalyou sui, beautiful scenery, the scenery Mu Qing Dynasty, heap praise Cloud Eight title as follows: Two-Stream confluence,shi xue hidden cloud layer disc Dengkou road, down Qiaolin Court, East North Korea rain, the West Hall of evening wind, T peak month stay, the high-profile alone Song.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
