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The varieties, which come from eight species of Andean potato, differ from community to community.


Nearly two-thirds of voters in Ecuador approved a new constitution, the Andean nation's 20th.


The 69,930-acre (28,300-hectare) Copahue Provincial Park, on the eastern border of Chile, is home to prehistoric araucaria forests, vast prairies, snowy Andean peaks, picturesque lakes, and lunar-like landscapes of rock formations, shown here.


Photo Gallery: Land of the Living Wind The 69,930-acre (28,300-hectare) Copahue Provincial Park, on the eastern border of Chile, is home to prehistoric araucaria forests, vast prairies, snowy Andean peaks, picturesque lakes, and lunar-like landscapes of rock formations, shown here.

在69930英亩( 28300公顷) copahue省级公园,在智利东部边境,是家中的史前南洋杉森林,广阔的草原,雪域安第斯山峰,风景如画的湖泊,和月球一样的景观岩层中,在这里显示。

"There are also ways in which Andean farmers divine the state of the year, which crops will do best, and where it is better to cultivate them: In the high puna or the lower valleys," said Denise Arnold, a researcher at the Institute of Aymara Language and Culture in La Paz, Bolivia.


Demands after being democratically elected by a large mass of angry and hungry Indian peasants who see no real alternatives for themselves and their children, said Bruce Bagley, an expert on Andean drug policies at the University of Miami.


From Russian steppe to Andean heights an answering echo fills the air with voice of oboe, bugle, horn, shrill boson's pipe, jazz clarinet, the shofar and the flageolet, all children of the old flute born.


Origin: The cherimoya is believed to be native to the inter-andean valleys of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.


Walter Spurrier, a political analyst in Guayaquil, said the case should be seen both in the international context – of growing resource nationalism in other Andean countries such as Venezuela and Bolivia – and in the domestic context –of October's forthcoming elections.


Long-term and more by domestic institutions and scientific research units to a wide range of technical cooperation and the introduction of the German Krupp, special music Andean music companies, the Japanese company IHI, the Netherlands VMI's advanced equipment radial tire production technology, in the Double Star radial tire Tire company to use the process of continuous improvement of equipment and improvement of its radial tire equipment to the domestic advanced level.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
