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与 American 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her new book, Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man, will be published in October.

她的新书《Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man》将在十月出版。

American Capital, both directly and through its asset management business, originates, underwrites and manages investments in middle market private equity, leveraged finance, real estate and structured products.

American Capital直接或通过其资产管理业务发起、承销和管理中间市场私人股权、杠杆融资、房地产以及结构性产品方面的投资。

This is so one-sided, I can't imagine why the Rays just don't pick up and move to David Archuleta Land (that's a shout out to "American Idol" fans on your way to crowning the whiniest and most annoying dull singer since Bobby Goldsboro).

我个人无法理解光芒队为什麼不搬到David Archuleta Land(American Idol的影迷想要让爱抱怨又惹人厌的David Archuleta在Bobby Goldboro之后成为获胜的歌星)。

In any case, the style is all-American.


This research aims at a domestic management actual situation of professional construction management. To do an integrity study first, and then takes 1996 American Customer Satisfaction Index as a model foundation. Using Partial Least Square algorithm as the analytical tool which studies structure model to construct a professional construction management causal model, the author makes the conclusion that the weight estimated by PLS and the score of Measured Variable construct a management matrix diagram and analyze a key factor of influencing professional construction management service quality to improve a service quality and promote a customer satisfaction. Thus, managers could assign resources correctly to promote customer satisfaction.

本研究首先针对国内工程专案管理实务运作现况做完整探讨,再以1996年美国顾客满意指标(American Customer Satisfaction Index;ACSI)为模型基础,利用部分最小平方演算法,作为研究结构模型的分析工具,尝试建构工程专案管理顾客满意度之因果关系结构模型,并根据PLS所估计出的权重与衡量变数的分数,建构策略管理矩阵图,分析影响工程专案管理服务品质关键因素,作为改进服务品质与提升顾客满意的基础,以利管理者正确分配资源,提升顾客满意度。

Far from being cowed by new media, TV is colonising it. Shows like "American Idol" and "Britain's Got Talent" draw huge audiences partly because people are constantly messaging and tweeting about them, and discussing them on Facebook.

电视产业不但没有受到新媒体的威胁,反而通过新的媒体领域开疆扩土,像&American Idol&、&Britain's Got Talent&等电视节目之所以吸引了大量观众,某种程度上是因为人们不断四处叽叽喳喳传递节目信息,并上网在Facebook上讨论这些节目。

Critics such as Elizabeth Whelan, of the American Council on Science and Health, a consumer-education group in New York (Whelan says that about a third of its two-million-dollar annual budget comes from industry), think that the case against BPA and phthalates has more in common with those against cyclamates and Alar than with the one against lead.

据伊丽莎白·魏兰说,纽约的消费教育组织美国科学与健康委员会(American Council on Science and Health)两百万的年度预算中有三分之一来自企业。委员会中像魏兰这样的批评家认为,反对使用双酚A和酞酸盐更像反对使用甜蜜素和艾拉,而与反对铅不同。

I READ ABOUT FAYED'S work in a 2006 issue of The American Journal of Medicine, and, being a climber and a neuroscientist, it disturbed me.

我读过Fayed2006年发表在The American Journal of Medicine上的论文。我也是一名登山者,同时还是一名神经医学学者。他的文章使我感到不安。

I just started working with The American Heart Association and will be speaking and educating people about heart and health issues for many of their upcoming events such as camps for children with heart problems, women's heart and health issues, galas and charities.

我正在和The American Heart Association合作,准备举办关于心脏健康的一糸列活动,并随后举办如专门面向有心脏病的儿童的野营,妇女的心脏健康状况,集会和慈善活动等。

While studying there, he briefly associated with a group of Nazis, the German-American Bund, who he made fun of in Ham on Rye.

在这两年里,他曾与纳粹组织德美同盟(German-American Bund)有过短暂的联系,他曾在小说《火腿黑面包》里恶搞过这个团体。

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The American Way
American Holocaust
American Man
American Dream
The American Dream
American Hearts
American Pride
All American Country Boy
American Girl
American Life (American Dream Remix)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
