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与 American 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, reviews the American blockbuster development the history, analyzes it from the theory and the practice to have the development inevitability, and elaborates the achievements of the American blockbuster from the cultural, artistic and commercial dimensions, and then reveals its external manifestations as an important cultural industry in the United States. Secondly, discusses choicely and emphases the successful elements of the American blockbuster: the operational ideas, marketing strategies and industry chain model, the three-parts binds into the indivisible entirety, which shows the internal motivation of its continuing development. Thirdly, analyzes our country movie's development present situation, and elaborates its exist deficiency, and inspects and analyzes the question which existed in the practice development, which will provide the theory and the practice foundation for as follows. Finally, combines the analysis and understanding of the American blockbuster in theory and the current development situation of the domestic film, it puts forward several noteworthy viewpoints about the future development of China's film industry.


To understand this relationship, this chapter then analyses the Chinese elements in Chinese American texts and concludes that the kind of culture in Chinese American literature, like Chop Suey, is an indigenous American product with a Chinese-sounding name invented to survive America and therefore should be properly called American culture.


American literature includes the Early American Literature - Puritanism and Didacticism, the 19 - century American Literature - Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism, and the 20 - century American Literature - Medernism and Post - Modernism.


This dissertation intends to probe into James's reflection and reconstruction of American culture by analyzing four of his great novels. It argues that Henry James, on reflecting the American cultural tradition based on Emersonian ideas, and following Matthew Arnold's great vision of cultural combination, put forward an ideal cultural pattern combining the American freedom and morality with the European intelligence and aesthetic experience. Henry James's cultural conceptualization is, in this sense, a supplement to the traditional American idealistic individualism.

论文认为,詹姆斯在对以爱默生为代表的美国传统文化思想进行反思的基础上,以马修·阿诺德(Matthew Arnold,1822-1888)的文化融合思想作为借鉴的对象,提出了一种融美国的自由精神、道德力量与欧洲的经验、审美于一体的理想的文化模式,这一构思是对美国传统理想型个人主义思想的补充与完善。

This idea was successfully embodied in James's artistic world-his novels is a perfect combination of the European aesthetic form and the American morality. But, so far as the social practice is concerned, his very idea of combining the American and the European culture to make up for the deficiency of American culture, his attempt to fill up the wide gap between the socalled"high-brow"and"low-brow"in American culture, as Van Wyck Brooks put in his book America's Coming of Age, is only another beautiful dream. This is so cruel a fact that James could only realize in his writing. This may also explains why his works lack in popularity. James's style is so elaborate and graceful.

本文认为詹姆斯重构美国文化的思想是一种继爱默生之后的又一种理想型文化模式的构思,这种理想与追求虽然在詹姆斯本人的小说艺术中得到了成功的实践——他的小说就是一种审美与道德的有机融合,内容与形式的完美统一——但是,我们也可以看到,詹姆斯关于融合欧美文化以弥补美国思想不足的设想,他那实际上试图弥合范·威克·布鲁克斯(Van wyck Brooks,1886-1963)所谓的美国文化中"阳春白雪"与"下里巴人"之间鸿沟的努力,到头来仍然只是一个美丽的幻想而已,这一点可以从詹姆斯的作品在美国一直缺少大众性得到证明。

Our company specializes in manufacturing various stainless steel products, hardware accessories, marine hardware and other products, main products are as follows: Shackle (Bow type, Straight type, insurance, Japanese, Continental, American, reversing, rotary, fixed), chuck (Japanese, Continental, Americanê, German, American Forge, Din741), flower-lan (Japanese, American, Korean, closed), rotating ring (style, eye-eye , fork-eye), rings (Continental, Italian, Japanese-style), Pulley, Circle, D-rings, spring hooks, cargo hook, marine hardware (sleeve, slip cap, Smooth hinge base, side and base hinge, through-hole seat, single seat, etc.).


Companies in strict accordance with American Petroleum Institute (AP1), American Society of Automotive Engineers, American Society for Testing and Materials, Japan Automobile Standards Organization classification criteria and the People's Republic of China home standards, Sinopec standard, the military standards and enterprise standards, the use of Exxon compound additive and imports of refined base oil dewaxing wide secondary hydrogenation treatment, it is technically feasible and widely Chevron USA, the British-run joint, DuPont, ExxonMobil and other companies to fully communicate using American spin magnetic ions and organic synthesis technology boron molybdenum additives for cutting-edge technology available in the market "in the stone fly" vehicle lubricants, industrial lubricants, engineering machinery oil, Grease, Ice-free fluid, brake fluid and other products with reasonable product mix, excellent quality assurance, accurate market positioning, establishing a good corporate image.


The current study is based on 2843 skeletons (1518 European-American males, 837 African–American males, 216 European-American females, and 272 African American females) from the human portion of the Hamann-Todd Osteologic Collection (curated at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History; Cleveland,OH).


The thesis is divided into four parts to discuss the topic of the broken " American Dream " in the works of Dreiser.In chapter one, Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt and An American Tragedy is the research object to analyze the broken " American Dream " of the lower class deeply which are constituted by the broken " American Dream " of the strivers, the passivist bearing fate, the lovers and the injured.


Invites international and regional organizations linked with my Office, if necessary: the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Asia-Europe Meeting, ASEAN Regional Forum, the Group of Eight, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation, the Asia Cooperation dialogue, the League of Arab States, Arab Maghreb Union, the Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the Arab Parliamentary Union, the Andean Community, the Eastern and Southern Africa Common Market, the East African Community, the ASEAN and China, Japan, South Korea summit meeting, Association of Southeast Asian Nations East Asia - Latin America Cooperation Forum, the Organization of African Unity, the International Telecommunication Union, Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Maritime Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the International Finance Corporation, the International Development Association, the International Labor Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Criminal Police Organization, the International Organization for Migration, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation, Organization of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America, the Latin American Economic System Latin American Integration Association, the Latin American Parliament, the Rio Group, UNESCO, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Commission for Social Development, the Organization of American States, Inter-American Development Bank, the Southern African Development Community, Mercosur, the South Center, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Group of 77, World Economic Forum, the World Tourism Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Energy Council, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Health Organization, the Pacific Community, Pacific Islands Forum


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The American Way
American Holocaust
American Man
American Dream
The American Dream
American Hearts
American Pride
All American Country Boy
American Girl
American Life (American Dream Remix)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
