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与 American 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anglo American è complice del regime perché qualsiasi cosa faccia in Zimbabwe sostiene il regime.

Anglo American的是共犯,在计划,因为任何面对津巴布韦支持制度。

Famous pianist and composer Phil Coulter looks back upon the music of America's heritage with AMERICAN TRANQUILITY.

著名钢琴家/作曲家 Phil Coulter以专辑《 American Tranquility》对美国的传统音乐进行了回顾。

Oct. 6, 2003 A five-week high-protein diet improves glycemic control and lipid profiles without adversely affecting renal function in type 2 diabetes, according to the results of a study published in the October issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . The editorialist praises the study design, but all agree that long-term outcomes studies are now needed.

Oct。 6, 2003 -根据10月份「美国临床营养学期刊(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)」所发表的一项研究结果显示,第二型糖尿病患者采用五周的高蛋白饮食可改善患者的血糖控制以及血脂浓度,却没有肾功能方面的副作用,本期刊之总主笔对这个研究设计大表赞赏,但所有人也都同意目前仍需要有长期的研究结果才能加以确认。

According to Daniel Erikson of the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, the US State department has been pursuing a vision aimed at converting China into a responsible stakeholder in Latin America.

设在华盛顿的美洲国家对话组织(Inter-American Dialogue)的丹尼尔·埃里克森表示,美国国务院一直在努力实现旨在把中国变成拉美地区负责任的利益相关者的设想。

With an extensive and impressive filmography of his own -- which in 1999 was augmented by The Green Mile, American Beauty and Three Kings -- he is among the front ranks of Hollywood composers in his own right.

他以一部范围广泛、令人难忘的电影名录——在1999年凭借《The Green Mile》、《American Beauty》和《Three Kings》得到扩充——凭借自身的成绩,他跻身于好莱坞最顶级作曲家的行列。

American culture has already changed our life, but we should not forger our own culture.


If it is business that brings you to the area, the Best Western Bell Hotel is located in Phoenix's high-tech corridor, close to such companies as Honeywell, GTE, Unisys and American Express.

对于商务旅行的客人来说,酒店位于凤凰城的高技术区域,靠近这样的公司,如Honeywell、GTE、Unisys 和 American Express。

Ironically this progressive idea is inspired, she says, by some past giants of American trade unionism, above all Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, who created lasting institutions such as the Amalgamated Bank, Amalgamated Life Insurance and Amalgamated Housin

具有讽刺意味的是,她称这种先进的想法的灵感来自于一些过世的美国工会 American trade unionism 的天才们,最突出的是美国服装工人联合会( Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America )的主席西德尼·希尔曼,他创立了一些永久性机构,比如 the Amalgamated Bank , Amalgamated Life Insurance 和 Amalgamated Housing (联合银行、联合人寿保险、联合房产)。

Ironically t his progressive idea is inspired, she says, by some past giants of American trade unionism, above all Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, who created lasting institutions such as the Amalgamated Bank, Amalgamated Life Insurance and Amalgamated Housin g.

具有讽刺意味的是,她称这种先进的想法的灵感来自于一些过世的美国工会 American trade unionism 的天才们,最突出的是美国服装工人联合会( Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America )的主席西德尼·希尔曼,他创立了一些永久性机构,比如 the Amalgamated Bank , Amalgamated Life Insurance 和 Amalgamated Housing (联合银行、联合人寿保险、联合房产)。

In United States, AIG companies are the largest underwriter of commercial and industrial insurance, and AIG American General is a top-ranked life insurer.

美国国际集团成员公司是美国最大的工商保险机构,旗下的 AIG American General 更是全美最大的人寿保险机构。

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The American Way
American Holocaust
American Man
American Dream
The American Dream
American Hearts
American Pride
All American Country Boy
American Girl
American Life (American Dream Remix)

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
