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与 America 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That are scheduled to reset during 2008,$152 billion of other loans with adjustable rates are set to reset, according to Banc of America Securities.

根据Banc of America Securities的分析,除了3620亿次级ARM的利率将在2008年被调整,另外还有1520亿其他可变利率贷款也需要调整。

Besides the $362 billion of subprime ARMs that are scheduled to reset during 2008,$152 billion of other loans with adjustable rates are set to reset, according to Banc of America Securities.

依据Banc of America Securities的分析,除了3620亿次级ARM的利率将在2008年被调整,别的还有1520亿其他可变利率贷款也需要调整。

Those investors afraid of missing the turn should note an analysis by Richard Bernstein of Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch.

担心错失拐点的投资者应该注意美银证券-美林(Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch)的伯恩斯坦撰写的一份分析报告。

China Mobile has more than 500 million customers, and Claro serves more than 42 million people in Brazil as part of the America Movil network, Dell said.

中国移动已经超过500万客户,和Claro兼任的America Movil网络的一部分,超过4200万人在巴西,戴尔说。

Kunzel's work with the Cincinnati Pops and other orchestras earned him a Grammy Award for Best Engineered Album, Classical in 1998, for Copland: The Music of America,[5] as well as the 2006 National Medal of Arts.

他在辛辛那提大众管弦乐团和其它管弦乐团的表现,使得他在1998年凭借Copland: The Music of America获得格莱美"最佳古典类工程专辑"奖,并且在2006年获得美国国家艺术奖章。

By July 1, 1867 the British North America Acts, the British North American colonies composed of a single Dominion of Canada, Canada's Constitution has been the United Kingdom are based on this law; December 11, 1931, the United Kingdom Congress passed the "Westminster Act", this legislation stipulates that no longer affiliated with King's Dominion, provides that for the colonial dominion of Canada, although Canada is an internationally recognized independent States, the dominion of this special relationship has existed; April 17, 1982, Canada's new constitution passed by Congress and endorsed by the British Parliament passed the Abolition of the old constitution, Canada to the July 1 Dominion Day was renamed Canada Day, Canada's only truly complete independence.

独立按1867年7月1日的 British North America Acts ,各英属北美殖民地组成单一的加拿大自治领,加拿大宪法一直建基于这英国法律;1931年12月11日,英国国会通过了《威斯敏斯特法令》,此法例中订明自治领不再从属于英皇,订明加拿大殖民地为自治领,虽然加拿大已是一个国际公认的独立国,此特殊的自治领关系却一直存在;1982年4月17日,加拿大国会通过新宪法,并得到英国国会通过废止旧宪,加拿大把7月1日的自治领日改名为加拿大日,加拿大才真正完成独立。

It has a deep hatred of America and our friends.

它有深的憎恨america 和我们的朋友。

"America has gone out of his lexicon," Hebert said.

"America 在他的词典中已经不存在了,"Hebert 说。

Ironically this progressive idea is inspired, she says, by some past giants of American trade unionism, above all Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, who created lasting institutions such as the Amalgamated Bank, Amalgamated Life Insurance and Amalgamated Housin

具有讽刺意味的是,她称这种先进的想法的灵感来自于一些过世的美国工会 American trade unionism 的天才们,最突出的是美国服装工人联合会( Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America )的主席西德尼·希尔曼,他创立了一些永久性机构,比如 the Amalgamated Bank , Amalgamated Life Insurance 和 Amalgamated Housing (联合银行、联合人寿保险、联合房产)。

In Chile they were joking that there are new regional acronyms: for Connecticut headquarters, it's PAYOLA,"Pain in the Ass of Latin America," or it's BEBOLA,"Big Bully over Latin America."

在智利,他们给康乃迪克州集团总部新的地区缩写来开玩笑:PAYLOA(Pain In the Ass of Latin America;拉丁美洲的讨厌鬼)或BEBOLA(Big Bully over Latin America;控制拉丁美洲的恶霸)。

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America A O
Do Miss America
America's Most Wanted
Clear Across America Tonight
Passing Out In America
I Love America
Lost In America
Lost in America (Live)
America America
North America Meets South America

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
