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Alexander I相关的网络例句

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与 Alexander I 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am torn between a number of different people for my answer, but finally, at a push, I have chosen Alexander Fleming.


Before I could tell him I was not interested, he continued."You'll be a lucky winner if you can tell me what Alexander Graham Bell invented."


It's just that I told myself not to say "Pope Alexander" and sound like a dope, and then I go ahead and say it.


B: I know. I know. He is Alexander the Great.


"I would do it if I was Parmenion, but I am Alexander."


If I had not been born Napoleon, I would have liked to have been born Alexander.


This 25th day of April, 1498, be...ing invited to dine by his Holiness Alexander VI., and fearing that not...content with making me pay for my hat, he may desire to become my heir, and re...serves for me the fate of Cardinals Caprara and Bentivoglio, who were poisoned...I declare to my nephew, Guido Spada, my sole heir, that I have bu...ried in a place he knows and has visited with me, that is, in...the caves of the small Island of Monte Cristo all I poss...ssed of ingots, gold, money, jewels, diamonds, gems; that I alone...know of the existence of this treasure, which may amount to nearly two mil...lions of Roman crowns, and which he will find on raising the twentieth ro...ck from the small creek to the east in a right line.


And said,"I am Alexander the Great."The philosopherreplied rather contemptuously,I am Diogenes,the


"If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes."


Up-to-date, the first time that I still mark plays nautical, those who opening me is small 1 business waves toward Alexander from Athens, do not know to be able to use assault ship to make bow so even at that time, the method of merchantman follow at sb' heels, although young trader waves very slow very slow, but my heart is very happy however, true, even if now, I still can feel excited at that time state of mind: Azure ocean, keep true picture approximately, took old nautical age the game sex of consistent style and operation sex, everything so let a person touch, everything makes a person so familiar.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
