歌词 "You Set My Dreams To Music" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

You Set My Dreams To Music



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh, I'm lovin' what I see each time you smile at me 哦,我就喜欢我所看到的,每次你对我笑

I love the look of what you're thinking 我喜欢的样子你在想什么

I know how it feels to fly, I'm glowin' like the sky 我知道那是什么感觉飞,我着光一样的天空

That's on fire as the sun is sinking. 这是火的太阳正在下沉。


Oh, you set my dreams to music 哦,你把我的梦想音乐

As you spend the whole night 当你花了一整夜

Making them come true 使他们成真

And in my whole life 在我的一生

I have never had a dream 我从未有过一个梦想

As sweet as you. 甜如你。


No one else I ever knew could touch me quite like you 没有人我认识可以很触动我喜欢你

Or say as much without a word 或者说尽可能不语

Now love, I'm hoping you can see the song inside of me 现在的爱,我希望你能看到我内心的歌

That holds more love than any song you've heard now. 存放比你现在所听到的任何歌曲更多的爱。


Oh, you set my dreams to music 哦,你把我的梦想音乐

As you spend the whole night 当你花了一整夜

Making them come true 使他们成真

And in my whole life 在我的一生

I have never had a dream 我从未有过一个梦想

As sweet as you. 甜如你。


In my whole life 在我的一生

I have never had a dream 我从未有过一个梦想

As sweet as you... 甜如你...

歌词 You Set My Dreams To Music 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/you-set-my-dreams-to-music/

歌词 You Set My Dreams To Music 的作者与版权信息:


Molly Ann Leikin


Almo Music Corp., Universal Music - Careers