歌词 "Yes" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I said yes to your number 我说是你的号码

And yes to you dating me 是的你约会我

Yes we can be together 是的,我们能在一起

But you gotta wait for me 但是你得等我

The first time i said no 我第一次说没

Its like I never said yes 它就像我从来没有说是


I said yes we can be together 我说是的,我们能在一起

Yes you can stay with me 是的,你能陪在我身边

But when I say no not tonight 但是,当我说没有没有,今晚

You actin so ungratefully 你装作如此忘恩负义

The first time I said no 第一次我说没有

Its like I never said yes 它就像我从来没有说是


You was on the wall 你是在壁

I was with my crew 我和我的船员

You was watching me baby 你在看我的宝宝

I was watching you 我在看你

Slowly you walked over 慢慢地,你走过去

I maintained my cool 我保持着我酷

You said hello to me 你说我打招呼

I said hello to you 我说你好你


You ask me where I'm from 你问我,我来自哪里

I asked you what you do 我问你怎么办

You some how intrigued me 您一些如何吸引了我

I thought you were so cool 我还以为你太酷了

Somewhere between hi and goodbye 地方喜,再见之间

I felt so comfortable 我觉得很舒服

I felt like we could talk all night 我觉得我们可以聊一整夜

So i gave my number to you 所以我给我的号码给你


I said yes to your number 我说是你的号码

And yes to you dating me 是的你约会我

Yes we can be together 是的,我们能在一起

But you gotta wait for me 但是你得等我

The first time I said no 第一次我说没有

Its like I never said yes 它就像我从来没有说是


I said yes we can be together 我说是的,我们能在一起

Yes you can stay with me 是的,你能陪在我身边

But when I say no not tonight 但是,当我说没有没有,今晚

You actin so ungratefully 你装作如此忘恩负义

The first time I said no 第一次我说没有

Its like I never said yes 它就像我从来没有说是


Certainly you can call me baby 当然,你可以叫我宝贝

I love to here from you 我爱你,从这里到

Yes of course you can come and see me boy 是的,当然你可以来看看我的孩子

I wanna get to know you more 我想获得更多的了解你

Sure I'm feeling you 当然我感觉你

No baby, not yet 宝贝,还没

We can't take that next step 我们不能采取下一个步骤

Why you getting so upset, boy you 你为什么变得如此心烦意乱,你小子

Act as though I never told you yes before 法,就好像我从来没有告诉过你肯定

You are so ungrateful 你这么不领情

ummm ummm ummm 嗯嗯嗯


You was at my house 你在我家

I was sitting on the couch 我坐在沙发上

You was really buggin 你真的很迷恋

So I told you to get out 所以我告诉你滚出去

I had been misjudging you 我被误判你

You had a lotta nerve, you 你有一个洛塔神经,你

Too damn old to be so immature 太他妈老这么不成熟

I hope you learn 我希望你学习

You said I move to slow 你说我移动缓慢

I showed you to the door 我给你门

You said you call me later 你说你以后给我打电话

I said don't call no more 我说不要叫没有更多

Its cool if you can't wait for me 它的冷静,如果你不能等我

I'm glad you let me know 我很高兴你让我知道

Cuz you showed me your true face baby 因为你给我你的真实面目宝宝

The first time I said no 第一次我说没有


[Repeat chorus untill fade] [重复合唱直到淡出]

歌词 Yes 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/yes-3/

歌词 Yes 的作者与版权信息:


Bernard Edwards, Beyonce Knowles, Shawn Carter


3rd I Musicworks, Lil Lu Lu Publishing, WB Music Corp.