歌词 "What Is Hip-Hop?" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

What Is Hip-Hop?


歌词相关歌手:MC LARS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Every-Everything's fallin' 每天,一切都掉到

Every-Everything's fallin-fallin' 每天,一切都落下,落下的

Every-Everything's fallin' 每天,一切都掉到

Every-Everything's fallin' a- 每天,一切都掉到A级


[KRS-One] [ KRS -One的]

It's always a privilege to spit with Lars 它总是一个特权吐了拉尔斯

I'm a reality speaker, forget them cars 我是一个现实的扬声器,忘记他们的汽车

I'm learning how to teleport to reach to Mars 我正在学习如何瞬移到达火星

When you love this to live this, you spit your bars 当你爱上这种生活,你吐你吧

I spit a quick barrage switch to Rs 我吐的快速攻势开关卢比

Before you get burnt by all these lit cigars 在你得到所有这些雪茄点燃烧毁

I spit because the time is upon us 我吐了,因为时间是在我们身上

Prophecy: Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus 预言:凯西,诺查丹玛斯

Are they in the future or really far behind us? 他们是在未来还是真的就在我们身后?

Past perceptions trying to find us and blind us 过去的观念试图找到我们,我们忽视

Topical, poetically philosophical 外用,诗意哲学

Today's education is unappliable 今天的教育是unappliable

I think with my abdominal, life is phenomenal 我想用我的腹部,生命是惊人的

You make it all up with your optical 你让这一切与你的光

Every moment is optional 每一刻都是可选

That means anything I think in a blink is possible 这意味着什么,我认为在一个眨眼可能


Every-Everything's fallin' a- 每天,一切都掉到A级

Every-Everything's fallin' apart! (can't you tell me) 每天,一切都掉到分开! (你能不能告诉我)

Every-Everything's fallin' apart! (can't you tell me) 每天,一切都掉到分开! (你能不能告诉我)

Every-Every-Everything 每天,每天,一切


[MC Lars] [MC拉尔斯]

What is Hip-Hop? Is it what you wear? 什么是嘻哈?是你穿什么衣服?

Is it the brands that you rep or the way you wear you hair? 难道你代表或你穿你的头发的方式,品牌?

Is it your attitude, gratitude, identity or fate? 这是你的态度,感恩,身份或命运?

Your history, your future or the problems that you face? 你的历史,你的未来或者你面临的问题?

Is it the spirit of the times? The Zeitgeist, believe it 它是时代精神?时代精神,相信它

Divinity inside of me, we breathe it cause we need it 神在我心里,我们呼吸它的原因,我们需要它

The Gospel of Hip-Hop, it really changed my life 嘻哈的福音,它真的改变了我的生活

KRS relieved the stress – I had to read it twice KRS缓解压力 - 我读了两遍

When it all falls apart I remember what he said 当这一切分崩离析,我记得他说的话

It's not about the cheddar, creme, fame, skill or bread 这不是对切达干酪,奶油,声名大噪,技能或面包

Its's carbon truth in beauty, learning to respect 它的碳真理之美,学习尊重

Learning how to love, put your selfishness in check 学习如何去爱,把你的自私检查

What is Hip-Hop? Divine self-discovery 什么是嘻哈?神的自我发现

Mastering the elements, defining just what love can be 掌握元素,定义正是爱可

Testifying truthfully, rhyming with the best 如实作证,用最好的押韵

I see the light, it feels so right cause Hip-Hop's got me blessed 我看到了光,感觉这样对事业嘻哈的让我祝福


I stay up, even when everything's falling apart 我留起来,即使一切都分崩离析

Every-Everything's fallin' a- 每天,一切都掉到A级

Every-Everything's fallin' apart! (can't you tell me) 每天,一切都掉到分开! (你能不能告诉我)

Every-Everything's fallin' apart! (can't you tell me) 每天,一切都掉到分开! (你能不能告诉我)

Everything's fallin' a- 一切都掉到A级


[Rittz] [ Rittz ]

Yeah, you fuck on me your whole career is gonna fall apart 是啊,你他妈的给我你的整个职业生涯会散架

Servin' rappers individually, a la carte 塞尔说唱个别点菜

Who got an open menu, nobody cool and don't pretend you 谁得到了一个打开的菜单,没有人冷静,不要假装你

Ain't feelin' this, I'm killing shit, please don't continue 是不是感觉这一点,我杀狗屎,请不要继续

To hate, It's safe to say I'm one of the hottest rapping 恨,可以肯定地说,我是最炙手可热的说唱之一

Hotter than wasabi dressing, hot like the Mojave Desert 比芥末敷料热,热像莫哈韦沙漠

I fuck your bitch, my homie got the sloppy seconds 我他妈的你的婊子,我亲密得马虎秒

I got her legs in the air kickin' like she taking body lessons 我得到了她的腿在空中唱歌就像她采取全身教训

Bitch you got a second? Nah bitch, I'm kinda busy 婊子你有空吗?罗婊子,我有点忙

My grind is grizzly, no time this instant 我的研磨是灰熊,没有时间这个瞬间

Key to everything, impeccably my timing is so sublime 关键的一切,抹得我的时间是如此的崇高

You've heard this slow shit now back to the double time 你听说过这种缓慢的狗屎现在又回到了双倍时间

I was jumping on the microphone when I was young and the skippers got kicked but 我跳的麦克风当我是年轻的船长被踢,但

I was losing my mind under the pressure of a half on the back of the stiff dope 我的一半的压力下对涂料僵硬的背部失去我的心

Every bitch chilling into the head and then pray for the day that I get fucked 每一个婊子冷却到头部,然后祈祷,我得到性交的一天

They settled in but just sick of, rapping the shit that they get to 他们只是生病的入驻,说唱,他们得到了狗屎


Every-Everything's fallin' a- 每天,一切都掉到A级

Every-Everything's fallin' apart! (can't you tell me) 每天,一切都掉到分开! (你能不能告诉我)

Every-Everything's fallin' apart! (can't you tell me) 每天,一切都掉到分开! (你能不能告诉我)

Everything's fallin' a- 一切都掉到A级


[MC Chris] [MC克里斯]

What is Hip-Hop? It's the sound that a bunny makes 什么是嘻哈?这是一个兔子发出的声音

Today's Hip-Hop might leave a funny taste 今天的嘻哈可能会留下一个有趣的味道

Flavor that you savor is a little artificial 你品尝的味道是有点人为的

Pinky-wink twinkies got no filling in the middle 粉红,眨眼twinkies没有得到填充在中间

Keep it simple. Follow the Hip-Hop commandments 保持简单。按照嘻哈诫命

Keep it real. Represent like our fucking dads' did 保持真实。代表像我们他妈的爸爸也

Our elders, our betters, the ones who did it first 我们的长辈,我们的更佳,那些谁做的第一

Pioneers are outta here, stars about to burst 少先队是离开这里,星即将破灭

It's up to the descendants and I ain't talking dirty sheets 这是给子孙,我是不是说脏床单

I am what I am even though they want to murder me 我就是我,即使他们想谋杀我

They just pissed because I'm true to the art form 他们只是生气,因为我是真实的艺术形式

Make a loud sound like a fucking car horn 做一个响亮的声音就像是他妈的汽车喇叭

True to my rhymes cause that shit pays off 真到我的童谣引起了狗屎不负有心人

I'm my own boss, can't be laid off 我是自己的老板,不能下岗

No clock to punch, no breaks to take 没有时钟冲,没有休息拿

What is Hip-Hop? Non-stop mistakes 什么是嘻哈?不停犯错

歌词 What Is Hip-Hop? 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/what-is-hip-hop/