歌词 "We're Going To Hell... So Bring The Sunblock" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

We're Going To Hell... So Bring The Sunblock



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh! 哦!


They start to rise up from the ground 他们开始从地上站起来

They're going to kill everyone in town 他们会杀了大家在城里

Head for the hills we're under attack 头,我们受到攻击的山丘

I see the bloodlust in their eyes 我看到他们眼中的嗜血

They want us dead, it's no surprise 他们想要我们死了,一点也不奇怪

Hell came to Earth and I'll send it back 地狱来到了地球,我将其发送回


I'll never see you again, never see you again 我再也见不到你了,再也见不到你了

I don't [?] with your eyes open 我不知道[?]用你的眼睛

This is the day of the dead, come and take my hand 这是死者的日子,过来拉着我的手

I don't [?] with your eyes open 我不知道[?]用你的眼睛


I'll rip your throat out with my hand 我会撕裂你的喉咙用我的手

I know the [?] dance 我知道[?]舞蹈

My simple shoes and make your move 我简单的鞋,让你的移动

I hate the way they look at me 我讨厌他们看我的方式

The [?] of catastrophe 灾难的[?]

Take what you need and cut on through 以你所需要的切通过


I'll never see you again, never see you again 我再也见不到你了,再也见不到你了

I don't [?] with your eyes open 我不知道[?]用你的眼睛

This is the day of the dead, come and take my hand 这是死者的日子,过来拉着我的手

I don't [?] with your eyes open 我不知道[?]用你的眼睛


The day of the dead 死者的一天

And we watch you moving 我们看着你动

We will shoot to kill 我们将格杀勿论


Never see you again, never see you again 再也见不到你了,再也见不到你了

This is the day of the dead, come and take my hand 这是死者的日子,过来拉着我的手

I don't [?] with your eyes open 我不知道[?]用你的眼睛


The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

The day of the dead! 死者的一天!

歌词 We're Going To Hell... So Bring The Sunblock 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/we_re-going-to-hell-so-bring-the-sunblock/