歌词 "Watching TV" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Watching TV



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We were watching TV 我们在看电视

In Tiananmen Square 在天安门广场

Lost my baby there 失去了我的宝宝有

My yellow rose 我的黄玫瑰

In her bloodstained clothes 在她的血迹斑斑的衣服

She was a short order pastry chef 她是一个空头排列的糕点厨师

In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway 在长江潮路点心潜水

She had a shiny hair 她有一个闪亮的头发

She was a daughter of an engineer 她是一位工程师的女儿

Won't you shed a tear 你会不会流下了眼泪

For my yellow rose 对于我的黄玫瑰

My yellow rose 我的黄玫瑰

In her bloodstained clothes 在她的血迹斑斑的衣服

She had a perfect breasts 她有一个完美的乳房

She had high hopes 她曾寄予厚望

She had almond eyes 她杏眼

She had yellow thighs 她有黄色的大腿

She was a student of philosophy 她是哲学的学生

Won't you grieve with me 你会不会伤心与我

For my yellow rose 对于我的黄玫瑰

Shed a tear 潸然泪下

For her bloodstained clothes 对于她的血迹斑斑的衣服

She had shiny hair 她有光泽的头发

She had perfect breasts 她完美的乳房

She had almond eyes 她杏眼

She had yellow thighs 她有黄色的大腿

She was a daughter af an engineer 她是女儿自动对焦工程师

So get out your pistols 所以,拿出你的手枪

Get out your stones 快把你的石头

Get out your knives 拿出你的刀

Cut them to the bone 他们切到骨头

They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine 他们是菜市场的机器的走狗

They built the dark satanic mills 他们建立的黑暗邪恶厂

That manufacture hell on earth 地球上制造的地狱

They bought the front row seats on Calvary 他们买了前排的座位上各各

They are irrelevant to me 他们是不相关的我

And I grieve for my sister 我的悲伤我的妹妹

People of China 中国人

Do not forget do not forget 不要忘记,不要忘记

The children who died for you 谁死了,你的孩子

Long live the Republic 共和国万岁

Did we do anything after this 难道我们在这之后做什么

I've feeling we did 我感觉我们做

We were watching TV 我们在看电视

Watching TV 看电视

We were watching TV 我们在看电视

Watching TV 看电视

She wore a white bandanna that said 她穿着一件白色的大手帕,上述

Freedom now 现在自由

She thought the Great Wall of China 她认为中国的长城

Would come tumbling down 将轰然倒塌

She was a student 她还是个学生

Her father was an engineer 她的父亲是一名工程师

Won't you shed a tear 你会不会流下了眼泪

For my yellow rose 对于我的黄玫瑰

My yellow rose 我的黄玫瑰

In her bloodstained clothes 在她的血迹斑斑的衣服

Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek 她的爷爷老打蒋介石

That no-good low-down dirty rat 没有良好的下流肮脏的老鼠

Who used to order his troops 谁用过下令他的部队

To fire on women and children 火灾对妇女和儿童

Imagine that imagine that 想象一下,想象

And in the spring of'48 在春天of48

Mao Tse-tung got quite irate 毛泽东有相当愤怒

And he kicked that old dictator Chiang 他踢了老独裁者蒋介石

Out of the state of China 从中国的状态

Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa 蒋介石在台湾下来

And they armed the island of Quemoy 他们武装金门岛

And the shells were flying across the China Sea 和炮弹越过中国海飞

And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory 而且他们把台湾变成鞋厂

Called Taiwan 所谓台湾

And she is different from Cro-Magnon man 她是从克罗马农人的不同

She's different from Anne Boleyn 她是从安妮·博林的不同

She is different from the Rosenbergs 她是从罗森堡不同

And from the unknown Jew 从未知的犹太人

She is different from the unknown Nicaraguan 她是从未知的尼加拉瓜不同

Half superstar half victim 一半一半的超级巨星受害者

She's a victor star conceptually new 她是一个胜利者星新概念

And she is different from the Dodo 她是从不同的渡渡鸟

And from the Kankabono 而从Kankabono

She is different from the Aztec 她是阿兹台克人不同

And from the Cherokee 而从切诺基

She's everybody's sister 她是大家的姐妹

She's a symbolic of our failure 她是一个象征我们的失败

She's the one in fifty million 她是一个在5000万

Who can help us to be free 谁可以帮助我们获得自由

Because she died on TV 因为她在电视上死

And I grieve for my sister 我的悲伤我的妹妹

歌词 Watching TV 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/watching-tv/

歌词 Watching TV 的作者与版权信息:


Roger Waters, Rogers Waters


Roger Waters Music Overseas Ltd., Pink Floyd Music Publishers Ltd.