歌词 "Vous Etes Mon Coure (You Are My Heart)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vous Etes Mon Coure (You Are My Heart)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Where have you hidden yourself oh my beloved 你上哪儿去隐藏自己噢,我亲爱的

You fled having wounded 您已经潜逃受伤

I pursued but you had gone 我公司追求,但你去了


In search of you my darling I would scale the highest clouds 寻找你我的亲爱的,我会规模最大的云

Scour wooded valleys, roaring torrents whispering gales 冲刷树木繁茂的山谷,咆哮山洪窃窃私语大风


Vous etes mon coeur 奴斯etes周一心


When you first regarded me 当你第一次把我

Your eyes filled me with grace 你的眼睛让我充满恩典

Thereby again my eyes 从而再一次我的眼睛

Merited to adore you 值得来爱你


Vous etes mon coeur 奴斯etes周一心

歌词 Vous Etes Mon Coure (You Are My Heart) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vous-etes-mon-coure-you-are-my-heart/