歌词 "Vaginal Hubris" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Vaginal Hubris



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Yo, This song's dedicated to a very confident woman 呦,这首歌的专用于一个非常自信的女人

That's right, this goes out to my sister in law, Jenny. 这是正确的,这是写给我的嫂子,珍妮。


What? What? 什么?什么?

She's proud of her pussy, her peach, her bearded clam is well groomed. 她是她的阴部,她的桃花感到骄傲,她的胡子拉碴的蛤蜊是很好的梳理。

Thinks that she's the real deal, all other pussies are cartoons. 认为她是实打实的,其他所有的pussies都是动画片。

Her vagina is a church and her clit is the steeple, her vulva's one of Barbera Walters' most fascinating people. 她的阴道是一个教堂和她的阴蒂是尖顶,她阴户的巴贝拉沃尔特斯最迷人的人之一。


She's got Vaginal Hubris, Vaginal Hubris 她有阴道狂妄自大,傲慢阴道

According to her vag all other pussies are useless. 据她VAG所有其他的pussies是无用的。

Vaginal Hubris, Vaginal Hubris. 阴道狂妄自大,傲慢阴道。

Her pussy confidence is unbreakable like Bruce Willis. 她的阴部信心是牢不可破的像布鲁斯·威利斯。


She said you're never gonna leave, I've got the best sausage wallet. 她说,你永远不会离开,我已经得到了最好的香肠钱包。

Other guys would kill to get inside this cock socket. 其他人会杀了得到这个公鸡插槽内。

I said, You may be overconfident you see, cause there's a lot of fresh fish in this vaginal sea. 我说,你可能会过于自信,你看,原因有很多新鲜的鱼在这个阴道大海。

She said, My pussy is a 10 and your dick is a 3, you'll never find any better so you're never gonna leave. 她说,我的猫是10 ,你的鸡巴是3 ,你永远也找不到任何更好,所以你永远不会离开。

I said, Guess what girl? I'm leaving, I want out of this. 我说,你猜怎么着女孩?我要走了,我要出这一点。

Cause your way too confident and it's my hypothesis that you've got Vaginal Hubris, Vaginal Hubris 因为你的方式太自信了,这是我假设你有阴道狂妄自大,傲慢阴道


If her pussy made movies, it'd be Stanley Kubrick. 如果她的阴户制作的电影,它会是斯坦利·库布里克。

Vaginal Hubris, Vaginal Hubris. 阴道狂妄自大,傲慢阴道。

She assumes that her Muffhammed Ali never loses. 她假设她Muffhammed阿里永远不会失去。

Vaginal Hubris, Vaginal Hubris 阴道狂妄自大,傲慢阴道

If coochies were the News, She'd be Huey Lewis. 如果coochies是新闻,她会休伊·刘易斯。

Put your hands in the air if you ever really get when you take off your underwear. 把你的手在空中,如果当你脱掉你的内裤你真的得到。

She may be overconfident, but maybe her pussy sings and dances like Fred Astaire. 她也许很自信,但也许她的阴户唱歌,跳舞像弗雷德·阿斯泰尔。


Let's get on the highway, taking the car pool lane. 让我们在高速公路上,采取共乘车道。

歌词 Vaginal Hubris 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/vaginal-hubris/