歌词 "Until The End" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Until The End



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wings spread, poised 张开翅膀,准备

Faintly convulsing the sky 隐隐抽搐的天空

How will I know? 我怎么会知道?

Bask now in this graying 现在这个花白晒


Search for that word 搜索这个词

Something likened goodbye 什么比做再见

How will I know 我怎么会知道

That they will cry? 他们会哭泣?


[chorus] [合唱]

We were blessed 我们被祝福

(in this lifetime) (在此生)

Laid to rest 安息

(all we live for) (所有我们生活的)

We were blessed 我们被祝福


Voices ring on 声音在响

Autumn is always at hand 秋天总是在手

Angel corpses 天使尸体

Hollow and stolen so fast 空心和被盗的如此之快

I heard your voice 我听见你的声音

And it spoke softly to me 而且说话轻声对我

We have this time 我们这一次

And then we're free 然后,我们自由了


Take me under 带我下

Take me under 带我下

歌词 Until The End 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/until-the-end-5/

歌词 Until The End 的作者与版权信息:


Morgan Lee Lander, Lee Alexander, Mercedes Lander, Norah Jones


Muthajones Music LLC, Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Fumblethumbs Music LLC, 1418888 Ontario Inc.