歌词 "Burning Bridges" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Burning Bridges



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hell above 地狱以上

Your star is below 你的星低于


There's no comprehension 有没有理解

There's no voice of reason here 有理性的声音没有在这里


Fairy tales dividing 童话划分

Broken wings unfold 折断翅膀展开

Before you 之前


Take a look at what you've become 看看你变成什么样


[chorus] [合唱]

Hell above 地狱以上

Your star is below 你的星低于

All I see 我所看到的

Covered in dirt 浑身污垢

Hell above 地狱以上

Your star is below 你的星低于

All hope dies 所有的希望模具

Burning Bridges 过河拆桥


I'll take the truth before trust 我要信任之前的真相

When the world comes crashing down 当世界来到轰然倒下


Embrace the pain 拥抱痛苦

In a world of lies 在谎言的世界


(YOW!) (佑! )


I'll take the truth before trust 我要信任之前的真相

Flight betrayed you 飞行背叛了你

Clipped your own 修剪自己


Take a look at what you've become 看看你变成什么样


One truth for you 你一个真相

歌词 Burning Bridges 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/burning-bridges-10/

歌词 Burning Bridges 的作者与版权信息:


Morgan Lee Lander, Mercedes Lander


1418888 Ontario Inc.