歌词 "Under The Sun" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Under The Sun


歌词相关歌手:SUGAR RAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Now this is somethin' from back in the day 现在,这是早在一天事端

I'll always remember Run DMC 我会永远记得润公契

And all the good times 和所有的好时光

That we had on the beach 我们有在沙滩上

Stealing sips from a paper cup 从纸杯偷啜

And making out in the sand 并使在沙

Maybe I'm dreaming 也许我是在做梦

Can you tell me 你能告诉我


[Chorus] [合唱]

Do you remember 你还记得吗

The summers that lasted so long 持续了这么久的暑假

June til September 直到六月九月

Was our time to sing all the songs 是我们这个时代唱的所有歌曲

Do you remember 你还记得吗

All of us together 我们大家都在一起

As we grew up under the sun 当我们在阳光下长大


I'll always remember everything we do 我会永远记得我们所做的一切

Rockin' the eighties blastin' KROQ 摇滚八十年代BLASTIN “ KROQ

I remember Culture Club 我记得文化俱乐部

The Clash, and Men Without Hats 的冲突,而男人如果没有帽子

Seems kind of funny right now 似乎很有趣,现在

But it's taking me back 但它带我回去

We'd always sing along 我们总是一起唱

And laugh out loud at ourselves 和笑出声来,在自己

Don't want to stop dreaming 不想停止梦想

Can you tell me 你能告诉我


[Chorus] [合唱]

Do you remember 你还记得吗

The summers that lasted so long 持续了这么久的暑假

June til September 直到六月九月

Was our time to sing all the songs 是我们这个时代唱的所有歌曲

Do you remember 你还记得吗

All of us together 我们大家都在一起

As we grew up under the sun 当我们在阳光下长大


I want to rewind every time 我想倒带,每次

'Cause the words have so much meaning “原因的话有这么多的意义

They were there when nobody cared 他们在那里的时候没人关心

Always knew what I was feeling 一直都知道是什么感觉

Stay tonight don't leave me reminiscing 今晚留下来,不要离开我回忆

All I do is wind up missing you 我所要做的就是风力可达想念你

And you missing 而你失踪

Are you missing me 你想念我

na na na NA NA NA


[Chorus] [合唱]

Do you remember 你还记得吗

The summers that lasted so long 持续了这么久的暑假

June til September 直到六月九月

Was our time to sing all the songs 是我们这个时代唱的所有歌曲

Do you remember 你还记得吗

All of us together 我们大家都在一起

As we grew up under the sun 当我们在阳光下长大

歌词 Under The Sun 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/under-the-sun-7/

歌词 Under The Sun 的作者与版权信息:


Rodney Sheppard, Karges Terry Lee Jr, Craig Bullock, Mark Mcgrath, Murphy Karges, Stan Frazier


Grave Lack Of Talent Music, Fruit Boots Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.