歌词 "Troubled Girl" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Troubled Girl



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a part of me 有我的一部分

That wants to be like her 想要成为像她一样

Perfect skin 完美肌肤

Long legs and blonde hair 长腿金发

She's so popular 她是如此受欢迎

It magnifies your worst fear 它放大了你最担心

But she's just living in her fake world 但她只是活在她的假世界

That's too hard to bare 这太难了裸


She's got tons of angst 她有吨的焦虑

To leek into your teenage minds 以韭菜到十几岁的头脑

But she's a beauty queen 但她是个选美皇后

With liner dripping from her eyes 随着班轮滴水从她的眼睛

Her tears keep burning holes 她的泪水不断燃烧孔

Into her sick abusive lies 到她生病虐待的谎言

All the poison tears 所有的毒药的眼泪

And rips away at her 和RIP走在她的


You're a troubled girl just like me 你是一个陷入困境的女孩只是喜欢我

There's no need to hide your insecurities 有没有必要隐瞒你的不安全感


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

(Cause) I can see (因为)我可以看到

I can see right through you 我能看穿你的权利

I can see 我可以看到

I can see the truth 我可以看到的真相


Her high schools full of guys 她的高中全的家伙

That hang around 那流连

And want a date 而想要一个日期

Stand straight 立直

Shoulders back 双肩背

Oh she's so full of hate (wait) 哦,她是如此充满仇恨的(等待)


Lifts her skirt 提起她的裙子

Pulls his hair 拉他的头发

That's why she's always late (hate) 这就是为什么她总是迟到(恨)

But still you around 但依然在你身边

Like you're some kind of f****ing saint 喜欢你的某种F ****荷兰国际集团圣人


You're a troubled girl just like me 你是一个陷入困境的女孩只是喜欢我

There's no need to hide your insecurities 有没有必要隐瞒你的不安全感


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]


[Bridge:] [桥: ]

There's a part of me 有我的一部分

That wants to be like her 想要成为像她一样

Perfect skin 完美肌肤

Long legs and blond hair 长腿金发


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Troubled Girl 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/troubled-girl/