歌词 "Treasure It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Treasure It


歌词相关歌手:FIXX, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it 直到你珍惜

Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it 直到你珍惜


Tread carefully, leave no tracks behind 谨慎行事,不留轨的背后

Move easily, don't stack what you find 移动方便,不要堆放你发现了什么

Breathe deeply, always look ahead 深深呼吸,永远向前看

Wide open there's a space time won't touch 大开有一个空间,时间不会碰


Switch back, turn back 切换回来,回头

Switch back, turn back 切换回来,回头


We'll have our turn to use what we've learned 我们将有轮到我们使用我们所学到

And stand up into the light of our lives 站起来为我们的生活之光

So please yourself, feed yourself 所以请你自己,养活自己

Take a seat for this coming attraction 请坐这个未来的吸引力

When you're feeling insecure do you treasure it 当你感觉不安全,你珍惜

You should treasure it 你应该珍惜

Feel the pull of nature's course and treasure it 感受大自然的,当然拉,珍惜它

Treasure it 珍惜

Switch back, turn back 切换回来,回头


Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it 直到你珍惜

Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it 直到你珍惜

Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it 直到你珍惜

Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it 直到你珍惜


Switch back, turn back 切换回来,回头

Switch back, turn back 切换回来,回头


Think positive, leave the negs behind 积极思考,离开negs背后

Move easily don't stack what you find 移动方便不叠加你的发现

Breathe deeply, always look ahead 深深呼吸,永远向前看

Wide open there's a space... 大开有一个空间...

I say, wide open there's a space time won't touch 我说,大开有一个空间,时间不会碰

When you're feeling insecure do you treasure it 当你感觉不安全,你珍惜

I treasure it 我珍惜它

Feel the pull of nature's course and treasure it 感受大自然的,当然拉,珍惜它

Oh, I treasure it 哦,我珍惜它

Switch back, turn back 切换回来,回头


Feel the pull, feel the swing, ain't no value 感觉拉,感觉挥杆,是不是没有价值

'til you treasure it. 直到你珍惜它。

[repeat x9] [重复X9 ]

歌词 Treasure It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/treasure-it/