歌词 "The Diplomat" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Diplomat



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Right all time 正确的时间都

You're an angel 你是天使


Don't let me out of your sight 别让我离开你的视线

Someone hit the breaks we're gaining to much speed 有人打我们争取到多少速度突破

like an airplane 像飞机


You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官

You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官

You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官

You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官


Right all time 正确的时间都

You're an angel 你是天使


Don't let me out of your sight 别让我离开你的视线

Someone hit the breaks we're gaining to much speed 有人打我们争取到多少速度突破

like an airplane 像飞机


You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官

You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官

You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官

You seem to be the diplomat 你似乎是外交官


Her pulse rises 她的脉搏上升

Her heads about to blow and 她的头快要吹

As her mouth moves the hate begins to go 由于她的嘴移动开始讨厌去

And as her pulse rises 而作为她的脉冲上升

Her heads about to blow and 她的头快要吹

As her mouth moves the hate begins to go 由于她的嘴移动开始讨厌去

And her pulse rises 和她的脉冲上升

Her heads about to blow and 她的头快要吹

As her mouth moves the hate begins to go 由于她的嘴移动开始讨厌去

And her pulse rises 和她的脉冲上升

Her heads about to blow and 她的头快要吹

As her mouth moves the hate begins to go 由于她的嘴移动开始讨厌去


And her pulse rises 和她的脉冲上升

Her heads about to blow and 她的头快要吹

As her mouth moves the hate begins to go 由于她的嘴移动开始讨厌去

歌词 The Diplomat 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-diplomat/

歌词 The Diplomat 的作者与版权信息:


Edward Lay, Christopher Urbanowicz, Russell Leetch, Thomas Smith


Soul Kitchen Music Ltd.