歌词 "The Connection" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Connection



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When I see the connection 当我看到连接

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯


When I'm lost in my reflection 当我失去了我的反思

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯


Then I change my direction 然后我改变我的方向

One foot follows the other 一只脚跟随其他

One foot follows something new 一只脚如下一些新的东西

'Cause I need some protection 因为我需要一些保护

And I'm scared I could lose it 我很害怕,我可以失去它

If I stare, you'll be gone 如果我盯着,你会离开


When I need some attention 当我需要一些注意

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯


When I'm lost in my reflection 当我失去了我的反思

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯

Though I see I don't stare 虽然我知道我不盯

歌词 The Connection 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-connection/