歌词 "The Big Exit" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Big Exit



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Eyes permeate my skin, an alcoholic din, 眼睛透过我的皮肤,酒精喧嚣,

Fills the room we're in. 整个房间我们英寸

Girl, I think it's time we leave, 女孩,我想现在是时候我们离开,

Like a thief on Christmas Eve, 就像在圣诞节前夕贼,

Take and you shall receive. 就拿你会收到。


No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。


Once we're out amongst the shadows, 一旦我们走出之间的阴影,

See how much our love glows, 看看有多少我们的爱发光,

Reflected in shop windows, 体现在商店橱窗,

I love you as my blood flows, 我爱你,我的血液流动,

As the rain ruins my best clothes, 由于雨毁了我最好的衣服,

You're a secret only I know. 你只有我知道的秘密。


No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。

No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。


Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah !

Ahh! 啊!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah !


Damn the passing hours, 该死的传递时间,

Damn the summer flowers, 该死的夏天的花,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours. 他们把曾经是我们的。


No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。

No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。


They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours, 他们把曾经是我们的,

They took what once was ours... 他们把曾经是我们的...


No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。

No need to ask, you already know the way I feel inside. 不用问,你已经知道我内心的感受的方式。

歌词 The Big Exit 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-big-exit/

歌词 The Big Exit 的作者与版权信息:


Christopher Urbanowicz, Russell Leetch, Thomas Smith, Edward Lay


Soul Kitchen Music Ltd.