歌词 "Teen Riot Structure" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Teen Riot Structure


歌词相关歌手:T. REX

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Teen riot structure, ankle deep in fear 青少年暴动结构,踝深的恐惧

Babies lost in bellies and the oracle can't hear 婴儿丢在肚子和Oracle听不到

A demon angel demi-god blasted through the night 的恶魔天使半神彻夜炮轰

Me and Lucy Lightning holding on real tight 我和露西闪电持有紧实


An ancient Lord in wonder rung upon my bell 一个古老的神的奇迹响在我的铃

I fed him with my nightmares And he ate my dreams as well 我喂他,我的恶梦和他吃了我的梦想,以及

All London was in blazes burning to the sound 所有的伦敦是大火燃烧的声音

Of deep galactic tragedies in stereophonic sound 在立体声深银河悲剧


A tempest teen of stature in Gatsby hat and cloak 身形的盖茨比帽子和斗篷暴风少年

Licked upon my lollipop, but I didn't get the joke 在舔我的棒棒糖,但我没有得到这个笑话

As devastation mounted my wardrobes almost burned 由于破坏我安装的衣柜,几乎烧毁

The teens held hands on shifting sands and wonder what they learnt 十几岁的时候手牵着手在流沙,不知他们所学


[Repeat in toto] [全盘重复]


Structure 结构

Teen riot structure 青少年暴动结构

歌词 Teen Riot Structure 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/teen-riot-structure/