歌词 "Takeyouthere" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When I think of you 当我想起你

I can't see you like 我看不到你喜欢

all the other girls 所有其他的女孩

I knew that I didn't treat right 我知道我没有把正确的

but then 但随后

there are times when I just need what I need babe, and I know 有些时候,我只需要我需要什么宝贝时间,我知道

you can give it all to me 你可以把它包在我身上


So how about... 那么怎么样...


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

We don't have to go 我们不必去

All the way no 一路无

But if you want 但是如果你想

I still can take you there 我还可以带你去



Hey baby, how about it 嘿,宝贝,怎么样了

we don't have to go all the way no 我们没有去,一路无

but girl I'm sure you still can get me there 但女孩我敢肯定,你仍然可以让我有

Hey 嘿嘿

Babe 贝贝


If only you knew 如果只有你知道

what I'm willing to do (for) 我很愿意这样做(对)

for a fair exchange baby 一个公平交换的宝宝

from me to you 从我到你

but (I know) 但(我知道)

I know you've got your own reasons 我知道你有你自己的理由

for making me wait 让我等待

and I know 我知道

I know there's a way 我知道有一种方法

that we can free ourselves 我们可以自己自由


[Chorus] [合唱]


It's alright you can 这是正常的,你可以

admit that you want it (its alright) 承认你想让它(它的好吧)

as bad as I 那么糟糕,因为我

its so natural 它如此自然

We all have our days and our sleepless nights 我们每个人都有自己的日子,我们的不眠之夜

When we wanna 当我们想

get some 得到一些

When we wanna get some 当我们想要得到一些

[Repeat] [重复]

歌词 Takeyouthere 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/takeyouthere/

歌词 Takeyouthere 的作者与版权信息:


Taalib Johnson


Universal Music Corp., Soul Child Music