歌词 "Straight From You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Straight From You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

People love to talk 人们喜欢谈论

And Lord I've heard it all 而主我听说这一切

A rumor's not a stranger in this town 谣言是不是在这个城市的陌生人

Now me, I pay no mind 现在,我付出没有心

But it's hittin' home this time 但它是地球上的家这一次

Now I've been told you've gone and let me down 现在,我已经告诉你了,让我失望


I need to hear it straight from you 我需要听到它直接从你

Is it rumor or truth 是谣言还是真相

It would break my heart in two 它会打破我的心脏有两种

But if it's gonna be bad news 但如果这会是个坏消息

I need to hear it straight from you 我需要听到它直接从你

I need to hear it straight from you 我需要听到它直接从你


They all know her name 他们都知道她的名字

You didn't spare me any shame 您没有放过我任何汗颜

I wonder did you even try to hude 我不知道你甚至试图唬得

I think that you owe me 我觉得你欠我

Just a little honesty 只要一点点的诚实

And even though you told me with your eyes 而且即使你告诉我你的眼睛


I need to hear it straight from you 我需要听到它直接从你

Is it rumor or truth 是谣言还是真相

It would break my heart in two 它会打破我的心脏有两种

But if it's gonna be bad news 但如果这会是个坏消息

I need to hear it straight from you 我需要听到它直接从你

I need to hear it straight from you 我需要听到它直接从你

歌词 Straight From You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/straight-from-you/

歌词 Straight From You 的作者与版权信息:


Gary Harrison


Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.