Stand Or Fall
歌词相关歌手:FIXX, THE
Crying parents tell their children 哭泣的家长告诉自己的孩子
If you survive, don't do as we did 如果你能活着,因为我们做不做
A son exclaims there'll be nothing to do to 一个儿子感叹地说还会有什么做的
Her daughter says she'll be dead with you 她的女儿说,她就死定了你
While foreign affairs are screwing us rotten 尽管外交是美国的拧烂
Line morale has hit rock bottom 行士气跌至谷底
Dying embers stand forgotten 死灰站在遗忘
Talks of peace were being trodden 和平谈判是被践踏
Stand or fall 好坏
State your peace tonight 说出你今晚和平
Stand or fall 好坏
State your peace tonight 说出你今晚和平
Is this the value of our existence 这是我们存在的价值
Should we proclaim with such persistence 我们应该宣扬这样的持久性
Our destiny relies on conscience 我们的命运依赖于良心
Red or blue, what's the difference 红色或蓝色的,有什么区别
Stand or fall 好坏
State your peace tonight 说出你今晚和平
Stand or fall 好坏
State your peace tonight 说出你今晚和平
It's the euro theatre 这是欧元影院
It's the euro theatre 这是欧元影院
It's the euro theatre 这是欧元影院
An empty face reflects extinction 空面反映灭绝
Ugly scars divide the nation 难看的疤痕分裂国家
Desecrate the population 亵渎人口
There will be no exaltation 将没有升华
Stand or fall 好坏
State your peace tonight 说出你今晚和平
Stand or fall 好坏
State your peace tonight 说出你今晚和平
It's the euro theatre 这是欧元影院
It's the euro theatre 这是欧元影院
It's the euro theatre 这是欧元影院
Stand or fall 好坏
Stand or fall 好坏
Stand or fall 好坏
Stand or fall 好坏
Stand or fall 好坏
Stand or fall 好坏
歌词 Stand Or Fall 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- I Found You
- Some People
- Stand Or Fall
- The Strain
- Red Skies
- Lost Planes
- Cameras In Paris
- I Live
- Shuttered Room
- The Fool
- 相关歌词
- People Of The World
- Royalty
- Let's Work Together
- From Now On We Are Enemies
- Real Niggas Stand Up
- Lost And Found
- Call It In The Air
- Love Alone
- Where You Stand
- Drive
- 推荐歌词
- XO
- Poppin For Some
- Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (Do They?)
- I'll Be The One
- Gonna Be Alright
- Let's Roll
- Magnificent
- Any Direction
- The Last Time (I Get Burned Like This)
- Between My Legs
- My Soul To Lose
- Mystic Rhythms
- Amigas Cheetahs
- Callin' Baton Rouge
- Stop!
- Architects & Engineers
- Do I Know You?
- I Left My Heart In San Francisco
- Steal That Car
- Skin & Bones
- "Stand Or Fall" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Stand Or Fall" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Stand Or Fall" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Stand Or Fall" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。