歌词 "Sons Of 1984" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Sons Of 1984



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Open your eyes and see 睁开你的眼睛,看看

The world I couldn't change for you 我不能为你改变世界

Reach out your hand and take 伸出你的手,并采取

The world that will belong to you 这将是属于你的世界。


We were on our way to a better day 我们就上了路,以更美好的一天

And the spirit was in us all 而精神是我们所有人

But as time went by we fell by the wayside 但随着时间的推移,我们倒在了路边

Maybe you'll be the last to fall 也许你会是最后下跌


You are the only ones 您是唯一的

There is nobody left but you 有没有人离开,但你

You are the chosen ones 你是神选之人

There is nobody else to choose 有没有其他选择


Back when I was young, my hope was strong 回来时,我还年轻,我希望是强

But the time blew it all to hell 但时间自爆这一切地狱

If I thought I knew what was good for you 如果我认为我知道什么是对你有好处

I would have gone and done it for myself 我早就走了,做了我自己


Worlds of tomorrow 明天的世界

Life without sorrow 生活无忧愁

Take it because it's yours 就拿它,因为它是你的

Sons of 1984 1984年儿子


I can still see the great panorama of hate 我仍然可以看到仇恨的大全景

Being cleansed by our loving hands 被洁净我们的爱手

But the brothers broke stride, the sisters cried 但兄弟打破了大步,姐妹俩哭了

Now you have to start all over again 现在,你必须从头再来

歌词 Sons Of 1984 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sons-of-1984/

歌词 Sons Of 1984 的作者与版权信息:


Todd Rundgren


Humanoid Music, Screen Gems-emi Music Inc., Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.