歌词 "So You Don't Have To Love Me Anymore" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

So You Don't Have To Love Me Anymore



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I’ll be the bad guy, 我会是坏人,

I’ll take the black eye, 我买了黑色的眼睛,

When I walk out, 当我走了,

You can slam the door, 你可以摒弃,

I’ll be the S.O.B, 我会是S.O.B ,

If that’s what you need from me, 如果这就是你需要我,

So you don’t have to love me anymore. 所以,你不必爱我了。


When you and our friends talk, 当你和朋友谈话,

Make it all my fault, 使这一切是我的错,

Tell ‘em I’m rotten to the core, 告诉他们我是烂到核心,

I’ll let it all slide, 我要让这一切的幻灯片,

Get ‘em all on your side, 得到时间都在你的身边,

So you don’t have to love me anymore. 所以,你不必爱我了。


I will keep, 我会继续,

All those memories, of the good times. 好时光的那些回忆。

Yeah, there were some good times. 是的,有一些美好的时光。

So when you think, 当你这样想,

Of you and me, 你和我,

They won’t even cross your mind. 他们甚至不会在你脑中。


If the wine you’re drinkin’, 如果酒你喝了,

Leads you to thinkin’, 导致你想的,

That you want what we had before, 那你想要什么我们以前,

Girl you can call me, 女孩,你可以打电话给我,

I’ll let it ring and ring, 我会让它环与环,

So you don’t have to love me anymore. 所以,你不必爱我了。


Yeah, I will keep, 是的,我会继续,

All those memories, of the good times. 好时光的那些回忆。

Yeah, there were some good times. 是的,有一些美好的时光。

So when you think, 当你这样想,

Of you and me, 你和我,

They won’t even cross your mind. 他们甚至不会在你脑中。


If you need me to make you cry, 如果你需要我让你哭,

I don’t want to but I’ll try, 我不希望,但我会尽力,

So you don’t have to love me anymore. 所以,你不必爱我了。

歌词 So You Don't Have To Love Me Anymore 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/so-you-don_t-have-to-love-me-anymore/