歌词 "Set Me Free" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Set Me Free


歌词相关歌手:HEAVY, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

You made a man out of me 你让一个人从我的

But you're not satisfied 但是你不满意

You don't believe what you see 你不相信你所看到的

You don't believe when I 你不相信,当我

Got a million things on my mind cause of you 有一百万的东西对你我心中的事业

I don't know what I'm gonna do 我不知道我该怎么办


I only wanted to love you 我只是想好好地爱你

You only wanted a taste 你只想要一尝

My ambition to woo you 我的野心来吸引你

Was all the time that we waste 一切都是我们浪费时间

Time that we wasted 我们浪费的时间


Why don't you set me free? yeah 你为什么不给我自由?耶

Why don't you set me free? 你为什么不给我自由?

Why don't you set me free? yeah 你为什么不给我自由?耶

Why don't you set me free? 你为什么不给我自由?


And every time that I think about the better days 而且,我想更好的日子,每次

Remember how we woud kiss 还记得我们woud吻

When we were high on haze? 当我们在高雾度?

We never knew about the way things work 我们从来不知道事情的方式工作

I still need to forget 我还需要忘记


Cause when you wanted protection 因为当你想要保护

You used to call out my name, yes you did 你习惯叫我的名字,是的,你没

And all this changing direction 而这一切的改变方向

Ain't making me feel the same about you 是不是让我有同样的感觉你


Why don't you set me free? yeah 你为什么不给我自由?耶

Why don't you set me free? 你为什么不给我自由?

Why don't you set me free? yeah 你为什么不给我自由?耶

Why don't you set me free? 你为什么不给我自由?


All you got to do is just set me free 所有你必须做的就是让我自由

So easy 那么容易

歌词 Set Me Free 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/set-me-free-17/

歌词 Set Me Free 的作者与版权信息:


Kelvin Claude Swaby, Daniel Matthew Taylor


Third Side Music Inc. O.B.O. Just Isn'T Music