歌词 "Scenes From A Coffee House" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Scenes From A Coffee House



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I remember Sunday afternoons at Kaldi's 我记得星期天下午在卡勒迪的

I was never really down with coffee shops 我从来没有与咖啡馆真正降下来

A group of beatniks reading Kerouac 一组beatniks读凯鲁亚克

And the smell of grass from the parking lot 和草从停车场的气味

And as I recall 而且我记得


We got to know each other 我们认识了彼此

We got to show each other 我们得给对方

That we were fine just being friends 我们都很好只是被朋友


There's that guy who thinks he's Dylan 还有那个家伙谁认为他是迪伦

He plays guitar with the band 他与乐队弹吉他

And he dedicates a song he thinks belongs to you and me 他致力于他认为一首歌曲属于你和我

He must've seen us holding hands 他一定看到我们手牵着手

But they don't know 但他们不知道


We tried to cross that line before 我们试图越过这条线之前,

But what we have is so much more 但是我们有这么多

Cause now you will always be mine 因为现在你将永远是我的


And as I recall 而且我记得

We got to know each other 我们认识了彼此

We got the show each other 我们得到了展现彼此

That we were fine just being friends 我们都很好只是被朋友


We tried to cross that line before 我们试图越过这条线之前,

But what we have is so much more 但是我们有这么多

Cause now you will always be mine inside 因为现在你将永远是我的内

And as I recall 而且我记得

We got to know each other 我们认识了彼此

We got to show each other 我们得给对方

That we were fine just being friends 我们都很好只是被朋友

And we still hold each other 我们仍持有对方

And we still love each other 我们仍然彼此相爱

But we're just fine just being friends 但我们就好了只是被朋友

歌词 Scenes From A Coffee House 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/scenes-from-a-coffee-house/

歌词 Scenes From A Coffee House 的作者与版权信息:


Pence, Senatore, Sloan


Shapiro Bernstein & Co. Inc.