歌词 "Night Bus" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Night Bus


歌词相关歌手:LUCY ROSE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When you see trouble in her eyes 当你看到她的眼睛麻烦

And you've noticed but only realized 而你已经注意到,但只有实现

It's not fading how ever hard you try 它不褪色你曾经努力尝试

'cause it's built in her for her life “因为它是建立在她对她的生活


I'm not alone 我并不孤单

You said I'm not alone 你说,我并不孤单


She takes the night bus home 她经常在晚上坐公交车回家

She's not faced by the darkness in her soul 她没有遇到她的灵魂在黑暗中

And you barely catch a glimpse of her 而你勉强瞥见她

'cause she's wrapped tightly hiding in her clothes 因为她的包裹得严严实实藏在她的衣服


I'm not alone 我并不孤单

She said I'm not alone 她说,我不是一个人


The strangers and they're walking my way 陌生人和他们走我的路

And I'm talking to myself 而且我对自己说

The strangers and they're walking my way 陌生人和他们走我的路

And I'm talking to myself 而且我对自己说

The strangers and they're walking my way 陌生人和他们走我的路

And I'm talking to myself 而且我对自己说


She said I'm not alone 她说,我不是一个人

歌词 Night Bus 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/night-bus/

歌词 Night Bus 的作者与版权信息:


Lucy Rose Parton


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.