歌词 "My Pretty One" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My Pretty One



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well, I've dreamed about today. 嗯,我梦见了今天。

The same dream in many ways. 同样的梦在许多方面。

But I never thought I'd be here, 但我从来没有想过我会在这里,

Be here with you, my pretty one. 在这里与你,我的心肝。

Well, I've searched the whole world through. 好吧,我已经通过搜查了整个世界。

To find someone whoooo, 找人whoooo ,

Would make this dream come true. 将使这一梦想成真。

It's you and only you, my pretty one. 这是你,只有你,我的心肝。


Pretty one, I long to hold you. 漂亮的之一,我渴望拥抱你。

Through the night, I want to hold you. 经过一夜,我想抱着你。

Pretty one, has no one told you, 漂亮的之一,没有人告诉你,

I love you. 我爱你。

Any day and you will find me, 任何一天,你会发现我,

Full of joy when you're beside me. 满心欢喜的,当你在我身边。

In a moment like this, 在这样的时刻,

Could it be what I've missed all my life. 难道是我已经错过了我所有的生活。


Well, I've dreamed about today. 嗯,我梦见了今天。

The same dream in sooooo many ways. 同样的梦SOOOOO许多方面。

But nothing can compare with, 但没有什么可以比拟的,

Compare with you, my pretty one. 与你相比,我的漂亮的。


Well, I love your smile. 嗯,我喜欢你的笑容。

And I love your eyes. 我喜欢你的眼睛。

And the way you talk, makes me feel so nice. 和你说话的样子,让我觉得很不错。

Nothing can compare with the way you are. 没有什么能与你的方式进行比较。

And I need you now, as I write this song. 我现在需要你,因为我写这首歌。

Did I hear you say you're the only woman, 我刚才听你说你是唯一的女性,

From a lonely prayer I am in the air. 从一个孤独的祈祷,我在空中。


Well, I've dreamed about today. 嗯,我梦见了今天。

The same dream in sooooo many ways. 同样的梦SOOOOO许多方面。

But nothing can compare with, 但没有什么可以比拟的,

Compare with you my pretty one. 与你比较心肝。

But I never thought I'd be here, 但我从来没有想过我会在这里,

Be here with you my pretty one. 在这里你心肝。


Pretty one, I long to hold you. 漂亮的之一,我渴望拥抱你。

Through the night, I want to hold you. 经过一夜,我想抱着你。

Pretty one has no one told you, 漂亮的一个人没有人告诉你,

I love you. 我爱你。

Any day and you will find me, 任何一天,你会发现我,

Full of joy when you're beside me. 满心欢喜的,当你在我身边。

In a moment like this, 在这样的时刻,

Could it be what I've missed all my life. 难道是我已经错过了我所有的生活。


Well, I've dreamed about today. 嗯,我梦见了今天。

The same dream in sooooo many ways. 同样的梦SOOOOO许多方面。

But nothing can compare with, 但没有什么可以比拟的,

Compare with you my pretty one. 与你比较心肝。

No nothing can compare with, 没有什么可以比拟的,

Compare with you my pretty one. 与你比较心肝。

歌词 My Pretty One 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-pretty-one/

歌词 My Pretty One 的作者与版权信息:


Alan Tarney


Alan Tarney Ltd.