歌词 "My One And Only Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

My One And Only Love



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The very thought of you makes my heart sing 你一想到让我的心脏唱

Like an April breeze on the wings of spring 像春天的翅膀四月的微风

And you appear in all your splendor 而你会在所有的辉煌

My one and only love 我唯一的爱


The shadows fall and spread their mystic charms 的阴影落下传播他们的神秘魅力

In the hush of night while you're in my arms 在夜的寂静,而你在我的怀里

I feel your lips so warm and tender 我觉得你的嘴唇那么温暖和温柔

My one and only love 我唯一的爱


The touch of your hand is like heaven 你的手的触感就像天堂

A heaven that I've never known 我从来没有已知的天堂

The blush on your cheek whenever I speak 每当我谈论你的脸颊的腮红

Tells me that you are my own 告诉我,你是我的


You fill my eager heart with such desire 你有这样的意愿填满我渴望心脏

Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire 每个吻你给套了我的灵魂在火

I give myself in sweet surrender 我给自己的甜美投降

My one and only love 我唯一的爱


You fill my eager heart with such desire 你有这样的意愿填满我渴望心脏

Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire 每个吻你给套了我的灵魂在火

I give myself in sweet surrender 我给自己的甜美投降

My one and only love 我唯一的爱

歌词 My One And Only Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/my-one-and-only-love-1/