歌词 "Madhouse" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The public adores you 公众崇拜你

Man about town 男子约镇

Seems that your love life 看来,你的爱情生活

Is bringing you down 带来你失望

Early in the morning 清晨

As quickly you drive 赶快开车

You’re all caught up 你们都赶上了

In a network of lies 在谎言的网络


[Alternative first verse from ‘demo’ version:] [从演示版本替代第一段: ]

There’s a cop on the corner 还有在角落警察

And he tells what he saw 他告诉他所看到的

To a judge and jury 向法官和陪审团

Who live by the law 谁的活法

And he counsels the witness 他辅导的见证

And they sit there on high 他们坐在那里高

But they’re all caught up 但是,他们都赶上了

In a network of lies 在谎言的网络


Sweet Cinderella 甜灰姑娘

They’ll work you to death 他们会工作,你到死

They want let you leave them 他们想要让你离开他们

You life’s a mess 你的生活是一团糟

They’ll tell you they love you 他们会告诉你他们爱你

Just look in their eyes 只要看看在他们的眼中

You’re all caught up 你们都赶上了

In a network of lies 在谎言的网络


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Madhouse 亿动广告传媒

It’s a madhouse 这是一个疯人院

Madhouse 亿动广告传媒

Yes you’re all caught up 是的你都赶上了

In a network of lies 在谎言的网络


Yes business as usual 是照常营业

And there’s people for sale 还有的人出售

They’ll buy and they’ll sell you 他们会购买,他们会卖给你

They’ll fight tooth and nail 他们会打的牙齿和指甲

Cause business is business 因为生意就是生意

There’s always the cry 人们总是哭

You’re all caught up 你们都赶上了

In a network of lies 在谎言的网络


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Madhouse 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/madhouse-3/