歌词 "Lying To You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lying To You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I can see in your eyes that you mean it 我能看见你的眼睛,你的意思是

I can feel in your arms that it's true 我能感觉到你的怀里,这是真的

And though I just heard myself say it, 虽然我只听见自己说出来,

Baby, I'm lying to you 亲爱的,我骗你

Baby, I'm lying to you 亲爱的,我骗你


All of these years you've been lonely, 所有这些年来你一直孤单,

And knowing not what you should do 而且不知道你应该怎么做

And though you are right, I've been looking as well 虽然你是对的,我一直在寻找,以及

Babe, I'm not looking for you 宝贝,我不找你

Babe, I'm not looking for you 宝贝,我不找你


I'm just as damn disappointed as you, 我只是因为该死的失望,因为你,

Only I just do better to hide it 只有我做的更好,以隐藏它

And the one thing that keeps me from falling for you, 而有一件事让我从爱上了你,

Is I'm truly alone and I like it 是我真正的孤独,我喜欢它

I'm truly alone and I like it 我真的孤独,我喜欢它


As we lie in bed, I feel lonely 当我们躺在床上,我感到孤独

Though we're young, I feel eighty years old 虽然我们还年轻,我觉得八十岁

And your arms around me are keeping me warm 而我身边的手臂让我温暖

But baby, I'm still feeling cold 但亲爱的,我仍然感觉寒冷

Baby, I'm still feeling cold 亲爱的,我仍然感觉寒冷


And, girl, you must know you are lovely 而且,姑娘,你必须知道你是可爱的

You're kind and you're beautiful, too 你是那种和你很漂亮,太

And I feel in some way I do love you 而且我觉得在某些方面,我爱你

But babe, I'm not in love with you 但是宝贝,我不爱你

But babe, I'm not in love with you 但是宝贝,我不爱你


It may seem strange that I still stay with you, 它可能看起来很奇怪,我还是和你在一起,

If it's true you're not really the one 如果这是真的,你是不是真的一

And why don't I just keep on looking for her? 又为什么不让我继续找她?


Cause I found her, but now she is gone 因为我找到了她,但现在她走了

Cause I found her, but now she is gone 因为我找到了她,但现在她走了

Cause I found her, but now she is gone 因为我找到了她,但现在她走了

Cause once I found her, but now she is gone 导致一旦我找到了她,但现在她​​走了

歌词 Lying To You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lying-to-you/