歌词 "Links And Waves" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Links And Waves



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh! 哦!

She was wonderful, oh! 她是美好的,呵呵!

Well it's a shame she is insanely wonderful, 那么这是一个耻辱,她是出奇的精彩,

I feel alive in links to my body whole, 我觉得活在链接到我的整个身体,

Like Mr. Jones I just want somebody who's 像琼斯先生,我只想有人谁的


Sitting by the campfire light in the summer time, 在篝火的光在夏天的时候坐,

Good times with friends, 美好的时光与朋友,

What's yours is mine, 你的就是我的,

My life is yours, 我的生命是你的,

'Cause you are, mine 因为你是,矿


So we're waiting by the shoals on the wave we've been looking for, 因此,我们通过对波的浅滩,我们一直在寻找的等待,

To lie awake at night and make love, 要躺在床上,晚上做爱,

Touch me, the way you touch made me, 碰我,你碰的方式让我,

Alive 活着


Well I consider enough all the things I've done, 嗯,我认为足够所有的事情我已经做了,

A pretty little thing - don't let this thing just run away 一个漂亮的小东西 - 不要让这件事情跑开

I know I think too much, 我知道我想太多,

About a world where I think too much 关于这个世界上,我想太多了

歌词 Links And Waves 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/links-and-waves/