歌词 "Like I Am" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Like I Am



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse 1:] [诗歌1 : ]

Fuck the rookie of the year bitch I'm a future hall of famer 他妈的今年母狗的菜鸟,我的名人堂成员的未来馆

You can see I came up 你可以看到我来了

Long time coming from a dude who never gave up 很长一段时间,从一个花花公子谁从来没有放弃未来

You know another rapper comin' hard as me then name one 你知道另外一个说唱歌手科曼硬“的我,然后指定一名

Talk alot of shit about me, I don't entertain em 谈在乎我了很多,我不招待EM

Bang em, fuck hoes used to ball and chain em 砰他们,用锁链EM他妈的锄头

The groupie at the show that blew me, you would probably claim her 在那吹我演出的骨肉,你可能会要求她

Put the pimpin' on the bitch you suckers oughta tame her 把潘潘你现在应该吸盘驯服她的母狗

Blame me cause I turned her out she used to be an angel 怪我,因为我拒绝了她出来,她曾经是一个天使

Stranger, but canned a strange music new addition 陌生人,但罐头一个陌生的音乐新增加

Fans told me to kill it I'm a do what you insisted 球迷告诉我,杀了它,我是一个你坚持什么

Real shit don't gotta separate the true from fiction 真正的狗屎不总得分开虚构的真实

Famous tee and Levis we ain't got the true religion 著名的发球和李维斯,我们没有得到真正的宗教

Coming out the super system on some slum shit 走出超系统上的一些贫民窟狗屎

Unfit for your kids to listen to a dumbie with a young bitch 不适合你的孩子听dumbie一个年轻的母狗

Eating mushrooms on a tool deck long 在工具甲板长吃蘑菇

Trip is on off a molly cups same kiss 旅行是掀起了莫莉的杯子一样的吻

Come sip on meth, on coke 来呷甲,焦炭

Crush it with the credit card 与信用卡粉碎它

Or the room key used to get inside the travel lodge 或用房间的钥匙,以获得旅游旅馆内

Camouflage, Jimmy Scott's in the Chevy Avalanche 伪装,吉米·斯科特在雪佛兰雪崩

Fantasize about the life of it cause I'm an enterprise 幻想着它的生命,因为我的企业

Fuck a bitch and when I finish tell the bitch no mas 他妈的狗娘养的,当我做完告诉母狗没有MAS

Adios! and I know you wanna party ho 一路平安!我知道你想党浩

But I got alot of dough I'm trying to get 但我得到了很多的面团,我试图让

I'm runnin' circles round these rappers tell em catch up on they cardio 我飞奔圆轮这些说唱艺人告诉EM赶上他们心肺

About to blow damn right, steppin on a land mine 关于吹该死的权利,垫脚的地雷

We can throw them hands I'm never scared of combat 我们可以把他们的手,我从来不害怕战斗

Representing in a A-Town skullcap 在甲A镇黄芩代表

I ain't from the country bitch mother fuck a straw hat 我是不是从该国母狗妈妈他妈的一顶草帽

We ain't ridin skateboards we be rocking all black 我们不坐车滑板,我们是摇摆全黑

Thinking that it's all good, find out that it's all bad 以为这一切都很好,找出它的所有坏

Stick you up and run off with the shit y'all have 你坚持了,并与狗屎你们都跑了出去

Nerve of these guys, we ain't giving y'all dap 这些家伙的神经,我们是不给你们DAP


[Hook:] [钩: ]

Please you ain't like us 请你是不是喜欢我们

We ain't like them 我们不喜欢他们

And if you listen close enough than you can be like I am 如果你听够接近比你能像我

You can be like I am, you can be like I am 你可以像我,你可以像我

Shit you ain't like us 妈的,你是不是喜欢我们

We ain't like them 我们不喜欢他们

And if you listen close enough than you can be like I am 如果你听够接近比你能像我

You can be like I am, you can be like I am 你可以像我,你可以像我

You can be 你可以

You can be like I am 你可以像我

You can be like I am 你可以像我

You can be like I am 你可以像我

You can be like I am 你可以像我


[Verse 2:] [诗2: ]

See y'all be on some trash shit, I be tryin to smell good 看到你们都上一些垃圾狗屎,我可以试着去闻好

Burp every rich bitch sniffing and I smell blood 每次打嗝丰富的母狗嗅,我闻到血

I be like a predator, the only thing I fear is God 我算是喜欢捕食,我害怕的其实是神

Still y'all judging me because of my appearance 还是你们都来看,因为我的外表我

You got alot of nerves everything I hear sucks 你有很多的神经都听说很烂

Even if I was using a pair of ear plugs 即使我使用的是一对耳塞

Rappers looking like some lying lames trying to me trying hard 说唱看起来像有的趴LAMES试图给我在努力

Posing like they taking pictures for the year book 冒充像他们拍照本年度书

Rowdy like a white kid who got a beer buzz 粗暴像一个白色的孩子谁得到了啤酒的嗡嗡声

We ain't on no miller note only ground nigga missile hope 我们是不是在没有米勒只注意到地上的黑人导弹的希望

Put us in the four bitch no motel 6 hotel and they go 让我们在这四个婊子无Motel 6汽车旅馆的酒店和他们去

Me and you are the opposite of identical 我和你是一样的对面

You just cocky I'm confident I'm an animal 你刚才臭屁我相信我是一个动物

And I plan to go far with this rap shit 我打算用这首rap走多远

You the type of dude to quit and give up on em like Deangelo 你老兄的类型戒烟和放弃对新兴市场如迪安基洛

Cameltoe pussy boy, gangsta on the internet Cameltoe猫男孩,匪帮在互联网上

That's why the dumbest find the people come and liquor it 这就是为什么最笨找到人来这酒

This world small fuck a gun cause a punch in the mouth 这个世界上的小他妈的枪导致嘴巴一拳

Will put a stop on people trippin on this twitter shit 将制止对人践踏在这个微博狗屎

I ain't even trippin no with the whole eating raw 我是不是践踏甚至没有与全吃生

Oysters on a half shell dripping in a mayonette 在mayonette上半壳生蚝滴

On a saltine double I was called seeing shit 在威一倍我被看到狗屎

Now walk inside the booth and I be spinning heads fire injury 现在走在展台内,我可以旋转头火伤

Let the coke can't say I flow flow 让焦不能说我流流

Feelin good because I got a couple grand to blow blow 感觉很好,因为我有一对夫妇大吹击

No hope pull the horses on a go go 没有希望拉的马在围棋

They try to keep me up and get us in the no go, go go 他们试图让我,让我们在没有去,去走

Stick bitches still jump a dick 棒母狗还是跳了鸡巴

Cause my buzz getting bigger by the tickin' of the second hand 因为我的嗡嗡声越来越大秒针的tickin “

Make your wife try to hide her wedding band 让你的妻子试图掩盖她的婚戒

Make your life pathetic man, them and they ain't never staying 让您的生活可怜的人,他们,他们是不是从来没有留


[Hook:] [钩: ]

Shit you ain't like us 妈的,你是不是喜欢我们

We ain't like them 我们不喜欢他们

And if you listen close enough than you can be like I am 如果你听够接近比你能像我

You can be like I am, you can be like I am 你可以像我,你可以像我

Shit you ain't like us 妈的,你是不是喜欢我们

We ain't like them 我们不喜欢他们

And if you listen close enough than you can be like I am 如果你听够接近比你能像我

You can be like I am, you can be like I am 你可以像我,你可以像我

You can be 你可以

You can be like I am 你可以像我

You can be like I am 你可以像我

You can be like I am 你可以像我

You can be like I am 你可以像我

歌词 Like I Am 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/like-i-am-2/