歌词 "Kathleen's Song" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Kathleen's Song


歌词相关歌手:BYRDS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When I awake you will be gone 当我醒来你都会消失

Shady tomorrow 明天黑幕

I want to go, where will you be 我想去,在这里您将

So I'll stay home letting my hair grow long 所以,我会留在家里让我的头发长得长

And I will be waiting for you 我会等着你


A fire burns, summer is gone 火烧伤,夏天走了

Winter is sorrow 冬季是悲哀

And time don't mean nothing to me 和时间并不意味着什么给我

And only the hours listen to hear my song 而只有时间听听我的歌

And I will be walking in dew 我将走在露

And I will be waiting for you 我会等着你


Some people say love goes away not mine 有人说爱情消失不是我的


Four roses red for your cheeks I will borrow 四玫瑰红色为你的脸颊,我会借

And find romance for you to see 并找到浪漫给你看

A surge of blue tells me your love is strong 蓝一股告诉我你的爱是坚强的

Each spring my life is starting anew 每年春天我的生活重新开始

And I will be waiting for you 我会等着你

歌词 Kathleen's Song 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kathleen_s-song/