歌词 "I Go Through These Walls" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Go Through These Walls



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

All of it's phased, come on with a fast pace 所有这一切是分阶段的,都与快节奏

life you're showing of 你展示生活

You've aged yourself and blaimed a murderer, you are 你自己的年龄和blaimed一个杀人犯,你是

here amongst yourself 这其中包括你自己


See him glide as he'll evade before you 看到他滑行,因为他会在你逃避

You are mine, end it all 你是我的,结束这一切

You are mine, end it all 你是我的,结束这一切


Lose it all: these moments, a place 失去了一切:这些时刻,一个地方

under where you've feelings 你到哪儿去感受下

I thought in all, the numbing 我想在所有的麻木

polluted all my views 污染我所有的意见


And there's no pain, And it's no pain 而且也没有痛苦,而且它是不痛


I go through revolved, start it all 我经过旋转,开始这一切

I go through these walls 我经过这些墙

I go through and revolve, start it all 我通过和旋转,开始这一切

I go through these walls 我经过这些墙

歌词 I Go Through These Walls 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-go-through-these-walls/