歌词 "I Blame Myself" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Blame Myself



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Is it because you know my name 是不是因为你知道我的名字

Or is it because you saw my face on the cover? 或者是因为你看到我的脸在封面上?

Either way it's all the same 无论哪种方式,都是一样的

It's like talking to a friend 这就像跟一个朋友

Who's trying to be your lover 谁在做你的爱人


Underneath it all 下面这一切

I know it's not your fault 我知道这不是你的错

That you don't understand 那你不明白

I blame myself 我责怪自己


How could you know what it feels like 你怎么能知道是什么感觉

To fight the hounds of hell? 打地狱的猎犬?

You think you know me so well 你认为你知道我这么好

How could you know what it feels like 你怎么能知道是什么感觉

To be outside yourself? 做你自己之外?

You think you know me so well 你认为你知道我这么好

I just want you to realize I blame, I blame myself 我只是想让你知道我怪我怪我自己

Blame, blame, blame myself 怪,怪,怪我自己

I blame, I blame, blame myself for my reputation 都怪我,都怪我,都怪我自己对我的名誉


I'm just a face without a choice 我只是没有选择的面

A choice you'd never like to guess what I think above the shoulders 一个选项,你从来没有喜欢你猜怎么着,我认为上述的肩膀

10 years old without a voice 十几年不曾老的声音

I feel like nothing's really changed 我觉得没有什么是真正改变

Now I'm just a little older 现在我只是一个年纪大一点的


Underneath it all 下面这一切

I know it's not your fault 我知道这不是你的错

That you don't understand 那你不明白

I blame myself 我责怪自己


How could you know what it feels like 你怎么能知道是什么感觉

To fight the hounds of hell? 打地狱的猎犬?

You think you know me so well 你认为你知道我这么好

How could you know what it feels like 你怎么能知道是什么感觉

To be outside yourself? 做你自己之外?

You think you know me so well 你认为你知道我这么好

I just want you to realize I blame, I blame myself 我只是想让你知道我怪我怪我自己

Blame, blame, blame myself 怪,怪,怪我自己

I blame, I blame, blame myself for my reputation 都怪我,都怪我,都怪我自己对我的名誉


Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己


How could you know what it feels like 你怎么能知道是什么感觉

To fight the hounds of hell? 打地狱的猎犬?

You think you know me so well 你认为你知道我这么好

How could you know what it feels like 你怎么能知道是什么感觉

To be outside yourself? 做你自己之外?

You think you know me so well 你认为你知道我这么好

I just want you to realize I blame, I blame myself 我只是想让你知道我怪我怪我自己

Blame, blame, blame myself 怪,怪,怪我自己

I blame, I blame, blame myself for my reputation 都怪我,都怪我,都怪我自己对我的名誉


Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

Oh, I blame myself 呵呵,我责怪自己

歌词 I Blame Myself 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-blame-myself/

歌词 I Blame Myself 的作者与版权信息:


Sky Ferreira


Third Degree Stains, Songs Of Universal Inc.