歌词 "Golden Star" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Golden Star



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I always felt so far from you 我一直觉得到目前为止,从你

Like something wasn't right 喜欢的东西是不正确的

But tonight 但今晚

I rest my head inside the crook of your arm 我休息我的头你的臂弯里

And I feel like a golden star 我觉得自己像一个金色的星


Exploding 爆炸

(Tonight we are full (今晚我们充满

Tonight we rejoice) 今晚我们欣喜)

Exploding 爆炸

(You are my golden star) (你是我的黄金星)

Exploding 爆炸


One, two 一,二


Though everything has come undone 虽然一切都已经撤消

The distance between us closes 我们之间的距离关闭

And everything is suddenly 一切突然


Exploding 爆炸

(Tonight we are full (今晚我们充满

Tonight we rejoice) 今晚我们欣喜)

Exploding 爆炸

(You are my golden star) (你是我的黄金星)

Explode 爆炸


Tonight we are full up 今晚我们充满了

In spite we rejoice 尽管我们欣喜

Tonight we are full up 今晚我们充满了

In spite we rejoice like stars 尽管我们欣喜像星星


Exploding... 爆炸...

Exploding... 爆炸...

Exploding... 爆炸...

Exploding... 爆炸...

歌词 Golden Star 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/golden-star/

歌词 Golden Star 的作者与版权信息:


Shara Worden


Domino Publishing Co. Ltd.