歌词 "Freedom Of Choice" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Freedom Of Choice



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We're victims of sedition on the open sea. 我们是煽动在公海上遇难。

No one ever said life was free. 没有人说生活是免费的。

Sink, swim, go down with the ship. 水槽,游泳,下去用船。

Just use your freedom of choice. 只需使用您选择的自由。


I'll say it again in the land of the free 我再说一遍,在自由的土地

Use your freedom of choice, freedom of choice. 用你选择的自由,选择的自由。


In ancient Rome 在古罗马

there was a pawn 有一个棋子

who followed along 谁跟着一起

and watched it fall ,看着它下跌

he cast a stone 他投下一块石头

he felt secure 他觉得安全

he felt that he would never be heard. 他觉得自己永远不会被听到。


Freedom of choice 选择的自由

it's what you've got 这是你所拥有

Freedom of choice 选择的自由


You're given a voice 你置喙

you don't want it 你不想要它

seems to be the rule of thumb 似乎是经验法则

don't be tricked by waht you see 不要被啥子你看到被骗

you've got two ways to go 你有两条路走


I'll say it again in the land of the free: 我再说一遍,在自由的土地:

Use your freedom of choice, freedom of choice. 用你选择的自由,选择的自由。


Freedom of choice 选择的自由

it's what you've got 这是你所拥有

Freedom of choice... 选择的自由......


In ancient Rome 在古罗马

there was a pawn 有一个棋子

who followed along 谁跟着一起

and watched it fall ,看着它下跌

he cast a stone 他投下一块石头

he felt secure 他觉得安全

he felt that his voice would never be heard. 他觉得他的声音永远不会被听到。


Freedom of choice 选择的自由

it's what you've got 这是你所拥有

Freedom from choice 从自由选择

it's what you want. 这是你想要的。


Freedom of choice - 选择的自由 -

it's what you've got. 这就是你的本事。

Freedom from choice. 自由的选择。

It's what you want. 这是你想要的。


Freedom from choice 从自由选择

It's what you want. 这是你想要的。

Freedom from choice. 自由的选择。

歌词 Freedom Of Choice 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/freedom-of-choice-1/

歌词 Freedom Of Choice 的作者与版权信息:


Mark Mothersbaugh, Gerald Casale


Devo Music, BMG Vm Music Ltd.