歌词 "Flint (For The Unemployed And Underpaid)" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Flint (For The Unemployed And Underpaid)



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's the same outside 这是相同的外

Driving to the riverside 开车去江边

I pretend to cry 我假装哭

Even if I cried alone 即使只有我一个人哭了


I forgot the start 我忘了一开始

Use my hands to use my heart 用我的手用我的心脏

Even if I died alone 即使我死了独

Even if I died alone 即使我死了独


Since the first of June 自6月上

Lost my job and lost my room 丢了工作,失去了我的房间

I pretend to try 我假装试试

Even if I tried alone 即使我试过单独


I forgot the part 我忘了一部分

Use my hands to use my heart 用我的手用我的心脏

Even if I died alone 即使我死了独

Even if I died alone 即使我死了独

Even if I died alone 即使我死了独

Even if I died alone 即使我死了独

Even if I died 即使我死了

歌词 Flint (For The Unemployed And Underpaid) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/flint-for-the-unemployed-and-underpaid/