Flesh And Bone
I met a man who walked on water 我遇到了一个人谁在水上行走
And wore His crown like a blue collar 顶着他的王冠像一个蓝领
I met a man who welcomed children 我遇到了一个人谁欢迎儿童
Like they were ambassadors to a kingdom 就像他们的大使王国
If I saw the world in Your eyes 如果我看到了世界在你眼前
Would it help me understand 它是否有助于我了解
How You see through all our lies 如何通过我们所有的谎言
Still You hold us in Your hand 还是你要我们在你的手
I'm dying to believe 我真想相信
I'm trying just to show 我想,是想说明
That we're less than perfect 我们是不完美
More than flesh and bone 多肉和骨头
People climbing trees to catch sight of You 人爬树瞥见你
Broken and blind looking for the truth 破碎和盲目寻找的真相
We're crippled by our fears and torments 我们通过我们的恐惧和折磨致残
Oh, Son of man, have pity on Your servants 哦,人子阿,怜悯你的仆人
I wander and I want 我徘徊,我想
Squander the riches of Your love 浪费了你的爱的财富
It's never enough for me 这是从来没有足以让我
Oh, take this poverty 呵呵,借此贫困
And nail it to the tree 和指甲它的树
And let all that’s captive now go free 并让所有的俘虏,现在去免费
I’m free 我自由了
歌词 Flesh And Bone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/flesh-and-bone-8/
- Alive Again
- Shout Of The King
- Sing Over Your Children
- Hold Us Together
- No Greater Love
- Love Comes Down
- Flesh And Bone
- Remembrance
- Letting Go
- You Were On The Cross
- Christ Is Risen
- Garden
- 相关歌词
- Dust 2...
- ...Dust
- Eye To Eye
- More Ways Than One
- Personal Jesus
- Agoraphobia
- I'm Alive
- I Cry Real Tears
- The Anarchist
- 推荐歌词
- Small Fish
- Now Ya In & Then Ya Gone
- Puisi Adinda
- No Wonder (Reprise)
- Sick
- Constant Knot
- Cape Canaveral
- Dr. Evening
- I Waited Too Long
- Break Of Dawn
- Dreams
- Night People
- Waiting In Line
- Tattoos And Scars
- Diemonds
- Until The End
- Kansas City
- U-Turn Time
- Another World
- Daybreak: II. Fucked Up Past The Point Of Fixing
- "Flesh And Bone" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Flesh And Bone" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Flesh And Bone" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Flesh And Bone" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。