歌词 "Fatherless" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:FOR TODAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Here's to my desire to remember what he left. 这里是我的愿望,记得他离开。

But, there was no time for sentiment as he took his final breath. 但是,有没有时间的情绪,因为他把他的最后一口气。

I was not too broken to hope for a helping hand, but I had to fight to find it. 我是不是太碎,以希望伸出援助之手,但我不得不争取找到它。

Eight years old is too young to become a man; I left my hope behind me. 八岁是太年轻了,成为一个男人;我离开了我,希望我后面。

I was just another angry kid, growing up without a dad. 我只是一个愤怒的孩子,长大了没有爸爸。

So I sold my soul for the highest bid, to get the love I never had. 所以,我卖我的灵魂的最高出价,才能得到爱,我从未有过的。


Tell me who I am. 告诉我我是谁。

A kid that turned to the world for identity. 一个孩子的转向世界的身份。

I can hardly stand. 我几乎不能站立。

Trying to find myself, I confined myself. 试图找到我自己,我只限于自己。

Now I've come to see, it was never "me" I was looking for… 现在,我来看看,这是从来没有“我”我一直在寻找...

It was always Him, it was always Him. 它总是他,总是他。


Born from a broken home. 出生在一个破碎的家庭。

When my father died, I was left to find my way through life alone. 当我的父亲去世了,剩下我找到我的方式度过一生孤独。

Left on my own, I put my pain on display as I fought with hatred and rage. 留在我自己的,我把我的痛苦上展出,因为我打了仇恨和愤怒。

No son should ever have to face the world without the love of his father. 没有儿子应该永远要面对的世界没有他父亲的爱。

I faced the world alone. 我独自一人面对这个世界。

I had no one to run to, and everything to run from. 我有没有人跑,一切从运行。

I had no one to run to, and everything to run from. 我有没有人跑,一切从运行。

I buried my hope in the ground. 我埋葬我的希望寄托在了地上。

Drowning, with no one to pull me out, sinking inside my head. 溺水,没人拉我出去,我的那颗脑袋里面。


I was just another angry kid growing up without a dad, 我只是一个愤怒的孩子长大了没有爸爸,

So I sold my soul for the highest bid to get the love I never had. 所以,我卖我的灵魂的最高出价,以获得爱,我从未有过的。


Tell me who I am. 告诉我我是谁。

A kid that turned to the world for identity. 一个孩子的转向世界的身份。

I can hardly stand. 我几乎不能站立。

Trying to find myself, I confined myself. 试图找到我自己,我只限于自己。

Now I've come to see, it was never "me" I was looking for… 现在,我来看看,这是从来没有“我”我一直在寻找...

It was always Him, it was always Him. 它总是他,总是他。


Tell me who I am. 告诉我我是谁。

I can hardly stand. 我几乎不能站立。

Now I've come to see, it was never "me" I was looking for… 现在,我来看看,这是从来没有“我”我一直在寻找...

It was always Him, it was always Him. 它总是他,总是他。

歌词 Fatherless 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/fatherless/